Is eminem good-looking? I dunno cos I'm a guy?

I've read comments about how eminem isn't attractive but I personally don't see anything wrong with the guy? How do you girls work? lol.


  • Well in my opinion he is not.

    I think a lot of girls like him for the fact that he is famous and very confident and ''tough'' and like he's not afraid to die for doing something he believes in which is admirable.

    When I was younger I thought he was good lucking but then I seen pics of him whenhe was younger and he couldnt be any UGLIER !! So ya, I do not think he is hot . .

  • Every girl has her type. I personally don't think he's ugly, but he's really not attractive in my opinion. But a lot of that has to do with attitude, he's waaaay to arrogant for me, and that really brings down his appeal.

  • Depends on taste. He really doesn't do too much for me, but I like darker guys, not so much blond, light skinned dudes. But I don't think he's ugly.

  • There isn't anything that's really wrong with him.

    I dont find him outstandingly attractive, but in his movie, 8 mile?

    oh man, i thought he was HOT.


  • Yes he is hot and you look just like him

  • ew no he tries wayyyy too hard. and he tries to look so tough when hes not at all. sooooooooo unattractive

  • He's nothing exceptional but i guess he's ok

  • .....EMINEM IS HOTT!.....LOL..... :P

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