Why am always depressed?

Im always depressed school makes me cry ehen I think about it why and I just really want my ex boyfriend back I love him and I judt hate everything around me I just want to sleep and kill myself I think about grabing my kitchen knife and stabing it inside me I dont wanna live anymore my depression is getting worse and worse help me


  • Because you are a female, and females often get depressed over nothing and cry over a lot of things. It's in your nature to be overemotional

  • I've also been very depressed then I was between the age 13 - 16 and a little smaller depressed between the ages 17 - 19 and after that it slowly started to get better. I've still never had a girlfriend though I'm 22 years old now and have very few friend that I barely visit at all, this starting to get better since the last weekend then I met an old childhood friend and talked out with him about everything that have happened to me in my life.

    First and foremost, there are many great guys in the world, if you cannot/don't really want to get your ex-boyfriend back. Secondly, by what I think now in retrospect, was a miracle, my knee was dislocated at the gymnastics one time - this made me have to rehabilitate it and if I hadn't done that I maybe never would have found out the benefits in training when you are depressed, so that's what I want you to do, train. I went to a GYM after the rehabilitation and I've done ever since, it helps so much against depression, because when you are exhausted you simply cannot be angry on yourself or think bad thoughts, because all your strength goes to the training.

    Thirdly, do things you think are fun and take care of yourself. :) I did watch PewDiePie, Smosh and Angry Video Game Nerd much under my depression and these YouTubers have helped me a lot - and with gaming, watching anime and programming too as they are my hobbies. Do something that's fun to you and remember how good you can feel. :D You can practice in doing Yoga too.

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