Why do conservatives think Obama is not a US citizen?

His birth certificate is right there online. Is it just that republicans still can't handle being ruled by a black man?


  • The ones who think this are likely racists who can't handle a "dark-skinned" man in the whitehouse. They show ignorance, desperation and the bad side of the human condition. If it wasn't for the the teabaggers (and the mainstream Repubs who keep the story alive) this would have been forgotten.

  • Don't fall for that! The "birthers" are only a fringe group. Don't paint any group with a wide brush just because of a few. I'm not sure what the controversy is with his birth certificate. Neither side seems to explain it. Until the birthers come up with some damning evidence to the contrary, Obama is a citizen.

    Besides, what do the birthers expect to gain even IF they can prove he was born elsewhere? All it would do is create a Constitutional crisis over a now technically.

  • FYI, a President leads, not rule. Monarchs rule and Obama is not our king though many would like to make him one.

    Your question begs all kinds of arguments. How do you define a conservative and why do you feel conservatives are the same as Republicans? And why do you say he's a black man? He's half white and half black you know. Obama would not have gotten elected if the majority of Independent voters had not voted for him. The same independent voters who now will NOT vote for him the next time. Many of them are LIBERALS.

  • I'm not a birther.

    Can you answer this?

    Congress buries H.R. 1503 that would require Obama to file birth certificate to run in 2012

    The Certification of Live Birth (short form) that Obama’s campaign posted on the Internet would not be accepted as proof of birth for many processes, which require a certified copy of the standard long form birth Certificate of Live Birth not the inferior Certification of Live Birth given by Barack Obama.

    HR1503 will force him to divulge everything in 2012.

    H.R.1503 - Presidential Eligibility Act

    To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.

  • No, I'm just concerned about being "ruled" by a man who spent millions on lawyers to hide his official birth certificate and then turned around and published a non legally binding document that proved nothing but the fact that he is alive, not when where or how that came to be. I'm more concerned that he's 38% Arab, quotes passages from the "Holy Koran" and bows to the Saudi king than i am about his 12% African Heritage.

  • I've got a certificate online that says I'm the Queen of Sheba!

    Injecting the "BLACK MAN" thing... makes me laugh.

    The one thing that BHO has proven is

    A Bad Black President is just as BAD as a Bad White President.

    Jimmy Carter is thrilled to have been BESTED in the "America's very worse" Category... by BHO, and it's happened less than a Quarter Term.

    When I'm ask for a list of BHO's Accomplishment... I number THOSE TWO amongst the BEST.

  • No, the certificate of live birth is online. It is not a birth certificate and is not a legally accepted document, even in Hawaii.

    You generalize too much. I don't know either way and just wish he would clear up the issue for all of us. It wouldn't be that difficult and would certainly be cheaper than keeping all this stuff concealed. Don't you have any interest in facts at all?

  • I don't know one way or the other. I just wonder why he has gone to such lengths to hide that and his College transcripts.

    What is online is not his BC it is a Certificate of Live Birth. It shows no hospital nor doctor. My wife was born in Hawaii. She has a Birth Certificate which shows both.

    His color means nothing to me. Liberals continue to mention his skin color whenever they have no arguments.

  • It's coming more from the Tea Party rather than the Republicans. The tea-baggers, however, are conservatives and some Republicans who have reinvented their parties and make believe they are a new and exciting wing of the American political spectrum but are mostly conservatives. The ones who doubt Obama's birth certificate are called "birthers" and mostly live in rural areas, and seem to have grown tired of going to church so now they go to tea party political rallies.

  • That is a small part of the Conservatives most of us are more concerned with the way is is tearing down the free market system in favor of his Marxist policies.

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