How do I tell a drunk contact I've exceeded my daily email limit?

And that I'm going to bed.


  • One time when I was a boy there was this lady and everyone said she was a witch and she was old and very ugly. One day I was walking by her house and she saw me and she made a face and wiggled her fingers at me and made a scary noise.

    I almost crapped my pants. I was so scared. I yelled 'Witch!!!!!!" and ran away.

    A few days later I heard that the lady had died of a heart attack in her yard.

    That's how I learned that I'm a Man-Witch.

  • NOPE! I can get how much email i want! LOL actually i jstu get random maill all the time and never says i exceeded my daily mail limit!?

  • Tell them that you have heard that there is a 24 hour bar opened up on their street

  • Interpretive dance, of course.

  • You have to write it in a language they can understand. Example:

    Heeeeyyooooo, i emmmm growing to grow sleeeeeeeep no.......w

  • You just did.

  • lol, good luck convincing a drunk....

    Aren't you glad you didn't give him/her your phone number, lol.

  • you should get his/her number first, but this way works too :-)

  • you emails him then you tell hinm


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