Is PlayBoy classified as Pornography.?

I was discussing with a teacher of mine if Playboy was porn or not. I don't think it is.


  • If it just shows naked girls, then no. The human body is not pornographic, whatever he or she may be wearing

    If they are engaging in some kind of sexual activity, then yes, definitely.

  • Most would call it "softcore" porn. That is, porn in which actual acts of coitus are not graphically depicted.

    When I was young, before the internet, Playboy was the hardest "porn" boys like me could get their hands on. Once a kid brought a Fredrick's of Hollywood catalog to the play ground and it was a big deal.

  • No, it is considered an informative education article, due to it containing articles within the magazine...which is the only reason it is allowed in so many states...(I did a report on Pornography in the U.S., spoke with quite a few officers and learned soooo much.) However, as it does contain nudity...and is only allowed to be read by an 18+ group you'll still get in trouble for bringing it to school or reading it in public.

  • I consider playboy (and play girl) pornographic because its intention is to show the human body in a sexual way for the pleasure of the reader.

  • no

    technically playboy is erotica

    \ as it has no sexual situations

  • I would call it Softcore as well.

  • It is as it exploits nude women

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