Did James O'Keefe misrepresent his Acorn "pimp" videos?


  • Yes he did, compare the full transcripts with the edited videos. Yes, the hero of the right and the guy the Republicans and FOX praised for their work is a phony and a criminal. Too bad the conservative main stream media never covered the findings regarding the editing of the tapes.

  • Yes, I do and Channel 5 colluded with him. Since a Congressman entered a resolution commending these two criminal liars , I believe that the GOP financed and supported this thing in order to destroy ACORN, for doing such good job of community organization and voter registration. This to m,e seems like a latter day Watergate Conspiracy. It is beyond belief as to why this is not investigated more thoroughly. O'Keeffe's attempt to tam the office of a Democratic Senator, is further icing on the case. Channel 5 has also engaged in some dirty underhanded " reporting " I think that even the Democrats don't have the guts to investigate this further just like they do not dare investigate Bush for his war crimes.

    All the parties should go to jail, ACORN reimbursed and refunded, and the possible GOP/Channel 5 collusion should investigated and sanctioned. So much for American " Democrazy "

  • nicely it appears like 31 Republican senators who tried to make a hero out of this clown (some O'Keeffe day, or although) owe the rustic and Acorn a million massive apology. Acorn have been given a hatchet activity from fake information, and are actually redeemed, everybody who observed that crappy video knew this guy became a hack. They tried to shrink Acorn's investment ( they weren't allowed to shrink investment to Acorn) they gained that around, and now boy blunder is busted..HEE, HE!! do no longer forget Acorn is suing him, and all of us comprehend he has already lied, now in basic terms a query of ways lots?? happy to work out Acorn succeed over those dopes, there's a reason Democrats are in charge, i visit take Acorn over Fox any day on which company is extra common and extra advantageous for the rustic.

  • It was a hoax, a straight up lie, and known to be so by FOX the entire time. I can't BELIEVE people though that was real. ACORN was cleared of any criminal wrong doing and James O'Keefe now has a criminal record. He's a convicted crimnial con man, and not a very clever one.

  • Yes he did. I wonder when Beck and Hannity are going to admit that they were hoodwinked and apologize for their slandering of the ACORN employees depicted in the videos.

  • I strongly believe he dubbed his "questions" in later - watch the videos with this in mind. It's creepy, no one EVER LOOKS AT HIM, no EVER ACKNOWLEDGES or answers any questions, no one REACTS AT ALL TO HIM supposedly saying things about underaged prostitutes!

    These were GOOD CHURCH GOING WOMEN, you think they wouldn't give him a surprised look? Come on people, stop letting yourself be brainwashed by hate!!!

    He dubbed all this crap in later - I'd bet a million dollars on it!!!

  • ACORN is a proved criminal organization. James O'Keefe's videos are a tiny, tiny, bit of the enormous amount of evidence of corruption in ACORN and the SEIU.

  • yes he has been caught for being hack and a cheat in many ways

    but when all said and done he has made a career for himself -- he already has a name for himself and cons will forgive him

  • yes, but not in a way that nulls his findings.

    The first point that Maddow makes is that O’Keefe didn’t dress as a pimp when he went from office to office. That’s true, but as the New York Times has written it is irrelevant because regardless of how he was dressed, O’Keffe presented himself as a pimp who was trying to establish a brothel with underage girls:

    Acorn’s supporters appear to hope that the whole story will fall apart over the issue of what O’Keefe wore: if that was wrong, everything else must be wrong. The record does not support them. If O’Keefe did not dress as a pimp, he clearly presented himself as one: a fellow trying to set up a woman — sometimes along with under-age girls — in a house where they would work as prostitutes. In Washington, he said the prostitution was to finance his future in politics. A worker for Acorn Housing, an allied group, warned him to stay away from the brothel lest someone “get wind that you got a house and that your girlfriend is over there running a house of women of the night. You will not have a career.”


    The New York Times is right. The record “DOES NOT SUPPORT” the claim that the whole scandal falls apart because of what O’Keefe was wearing. What counts is what he said and what he asked ACORN to do, not what he was wearing. (I note, however, that O’Keefe clearly should have corrected the record when it was incorrectly reported that he wore he pimp outfit into the offices. But his failure to set the record straight does not excuse ACORN’s malfeasance.)

    The second point that Maddow makes is that one of the ACORN workers called the police (she omits that it was two days after the fact). What Maddow leaves out is that O’Keffe and Giles visited SEVEN different Acorn offices and only TWO of them called the police (both after the fact). (Again, see the NYT link above for the full story on that point.) Do the two offices that did the right thing exculpate the five offices that were willing to help with the establishment of a brothel for underage sex slaves imported from another country? Is “I was willing to do the right thing 28% of the time” a new defense to indefensible behavior?

    Of course, Maddow never discloses to her audience that the police were called only 2 out of 7 times. Instead, she implies that calling the police was the norm, when in fact it was the exception.

    The third point that Maddow makes is that at the Los Angeles office, O’Keefe and Giles never said that they were trying to set up a brothel for underaged girls and instead were just trying to get housing. This is a bold-faced lie. Maddow is completely misrepresenting the facts. The following is an excerpt from the tapes taken at the Los Angeles office (the COMPLETE audio tapes and written transcripts thereof are available at Big Government and are linked to in the New York Times story I cited above):

    James: Could we speak to you just a little more? LaVelle (Acorn): Sure. James: Help tell you about our situation? We’d love to speak with them. LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. James: But, LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. James: we just we just trust ACORN because LaVelle (Acorn): No problem. James: someone, someone referred me and said that you guys are really helpful LaVelle (Acorn): Right. James: in, in the housing situation. So, that’s why we’re more comfortable speaking with someone. I mean LaVelle (Acorn): Mmm hmm. James: But I don’t know if you could tell her some of the other things too? I don’t know if this is something that they would Hannah (Eden): I, yeah, I’m not sure okay, um, there’s also 12 girls LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. Hannah (Eden): that have recently come to Los Angeles LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. Hannah (Eden): from El Salvador. LaVelle (Acorn): Mmm hmm. Hannah (Eden): Um, that the pimp here LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. Hannah (Eden): wants control of. LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. Hannah (Eden): And there’s a, a thing going on for control of these girls. They’re between the ages of 12 and 15. LaVelle (Acorn): Mmm hmm. Okay. Hannah (Eden): And part of the reason why I want housing LaVelle (Acorn): Mmm hmm Hannah (Eden): is so that I can take the girls. LaVelle (Acorn): Help them. Hannah (Eden): Help them. Um, yeah. And help take them into the house. I know I’m, I’m, I’m not you know old enough to be their mother, obviously, but somehow shield them and also let them be able to work here. I mean they’re, they’re in the line they’re, they’re prostitutes. LaVelle (Acorn): In the line of fire. Hannah (Eden): They’re, they’re, they’re prostitutes. LaVelle (Acorn): Okay. Hannah (Eden): They’re underage in America, and I at least if they’re gonna work here and work with me

    LaVelle (Acorn): Right. Hannah (Eden): they won’t be subjected to that LaVelle (Acorn): To that Hannah (Eden): guy. LaVelle (Acorn): Yeah. Yeah. Hannah (Eden): So, that’s why I need the house.

    maddow lied.

  • http://www.politicususa.com/en/maddow-fox-news

    The proof is indisputable, it has been debunked entirely. Follow the link if you want proof.

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