Does Cranberry Juice & Vinegar Work To Pass A Drug Test?

I've been clean for 3 weeks off Marijuana and I've only smoked 3 times now. Im having a drug test about a week or two from now. I've been drinking it daily and i heard from others that it works in 2-3 days. I just want to hear your opinion. But if you don't have a serious answer im looking for then dont bother bro.


  • No, the test is very sensitive and those two chemicals have no effect on the rate at which THC is excreted from your body. It's interesting to me that people took the science that says that cranberry juice MAY be helpful in preventing UTIs and prostate issues and extended that to mean that it could help you pass a urine test for drug use.

  • Cranberry juice and vinegar won't do a thing.

    If you've only toke 3 times, and not for 3 weeks, you're clean.

  • You'll be fine even without the juice, THC only stay in your system for about 5-12 days when you don't use it habitually. And 2+ weeks for habitual use.

    So you don't need to worry you'll be fine~

  • You should be fine, but if you want to be safe, drink as much water as possible 3 hours before the test (within reason). Make sure to take a creatine supplement with the water to stablize the creatine levels in your urine. Make sure to urinate several times before the test. Works every time!

  • if youve been clean for 3 weeks your fine because it only stays in your system for a month.

  • Cranberry juice enema. That'll do ya'.

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