How tdo you cook cookies?

I need to no how to cook cookies


  • usually in an oven

  • You cant Cook a cookie. they wont taste good or be cooked.

    You need to Bake a Cookie.

    You bake cookies in a Oven.

    But in Mexico they let the dough set on top of a rock an watch it bake under the sun.

  • depends on the kind of cookie you want to make. i like no bake cookies. but a good cookie recipe book tells you what temperature to set the oven, how far to space the cookies on the sheet and how long to bake them. if you need help reading a recipe, ask someone who knows how to add the ingredients at the right time. the mixture should be a little stiff, so it can be cut or dropped onto the cookie sheets. i hope this helps, if i could come to your house and bake cookies with you, i would. my grand daughter and i like to do that together.

  • um you dont cook them you bake them

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