Democrats: Do you now favor a H. Clinton candidacy?

A simple yes or no will do...but if you wish to opine, please feel free to do so!

The Editors of The Chitown Tribune seem to think so.

Please see link:



Manard are a pin head!


  • I think a lot of Dems regret voting for Obama. In 2008, I thought Hillary was the better choice and I still believe that today.

  • I voted for Secretary of State Clinton. I really believe that Clinton would have fought harder for us. She had already been though the s**t slinging and she would have known just what to do with the tea party side. It is my hope that President Obama can survive because that would all but ensure that Secretary of State Clinton would be our next President. Democratic party. I am a old school football player, as I stated earlier Clinton was my choice but there is no "I" in team. President Obama is our quarterback, as a former all conference player I tell you that we have to protect him just like we would Clinton if she was President. It is the 4 quarter we need to get on the same page. If we want Clinton to be the next quarterback we have to make sure that our starting quarterback can make some completions. We need to stand behind our President, sometimes even the quarter needs to know that you are behind him.

  • I always did.

    did ya know that 49% of Democrats voted for Hillary Clinton during the primary ?

  • My recommendation for this next election

    is that NO Democrat & NO Republican get any votes at all.

    ALL of the votes should go to the OTHER candidates.

    What is the worse thing that could happen,

    we get an inexperienced congressperson or Prez

    instead of a guaranteed for sure known CROOK.

    izat too much to ask?



  • Barack Obama is doing just fine. Hillary is a stellar Sect of State.

  • Yes, always did.

    At this point, the answer is dump Biden and run Obama/Clinton.

  • I'm a Conservative Independent and I'd rather see Hillary run than to see that national embarrassment in the Oval Office run. I won't vote for her, but when it comes to intellect, she is much smarter than that fraud we currently have as President.

    I'm willing to bet that Hillary's SAT and GPA were much higher than either of the Obama's. SAT was probably 200 points higher than Barack's and 300 points higher than Michelle's. Hillary's senior thesis on Saul Alinsky is well written on a college level, unlike that 7th grade effort that Michelle produced.

  • It's irrelevant because Republicans wouldn't work with her either.

    They just seek to regain the White House, period.

  • Sure, the slate is open in 2016.

  • It would be wonderful, but she will not run, should have had it the first time, look where we are and what shape our country is sad

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