How to become a Park Ranger?

Maybe for like a state park. I am currently in college for Law Enforcement, although, I do not want to change majors because I want to either be an officer or a Park Ranger. Park rangers are law enforcement though?

What are the differences in becoming a park ranger or police officer?

I live in Florida.

Thank you


  • How you become a park ranger or other law enforcement officer depends on what agency you want to work for. It is great that you are going to go to college. Getting a college degree is one of the best things that you can do. Make the most of your time and money in college. Get the highest grade point average that you can, participate in a couple extracurricular activities, get a good internship, do some regular volunteer work, don't do anything illegal, and maintain a good reputation. Getting law enforcement officer jobs is becoming more and more competitive. Do whatever you can to make yourself the best candidate that you can. Some other job titles that might interest you include animal cruelty investigator, dog warden, game warden, humane law enforcement officer, refuge law enforcement officer, and wildlife inspector. Consider local, state, and federal jobs. Best of luck!

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