Wolf hybreds - specializes care/ diets etc ? SOS?

Long story short a friend of mine stupidly went out & bought a wolf hybreed for a pet its a few months old he knows nothing about them & expects it to turn out like his curent dogs a Eskie & blue heeler.-

i've been trying to convince him although it is still part dog is isn't & shouldn't bet treated just like a dog - diet wise, behavariolly training etc - yes all are diferent - but i'm looking for info sites on these gourgous yet very misunderstood animals - he is saying it is just a husky personality - which could work out to be but every one is different - just like every animal is

any imput would be appreciated thank you.


  • Hi, I'm a long time Wolf Hybrid owner.

    You could feed him dog food, but I recommend a raw diet. Raw feeding is a lot healthier for any dog, not just a Wolf Hybrid. There are too many fillers, un-needed chemicals, and meat by-products (which could be meat from any animal including dogs and cats). Feeding a dog raw meat WILL NOT make it aggressive. that is just an old false myth with no truth to it whatsoever. A Wolf Hybrid DOES NOT need to be treated as a full blooded wild Wolf. That is another false myth. I have owned 11 Wolf Hybrids in my short life, and they all have been excellent family dogs. All of mine have been great with all children big and small. Anyone who has experience with dogs can own a Wolf Hybrid, in my opinion. They are often VERY smart and can be trained very well.

    Please DO NOT try to convince him to give the dog to a sanctuary. Sanctuarys are like shelters, they have limited space and have to put animals to sleep. Your friend can easily look after him if he has other dogs.

    Your friend also shouldn't worry one bit about Wolf Hybrids being illegal in some places. I just tell people who live in the city with a Wolf Hybrid, to only tell family and very close friends that their dog is a Wolf Hybrid, and tell anyone else that its just a Husky-Malamute type mix, so nobody would freak out and call animal control on them. It always works. Not many people can point out a Wolf Hybrid when they see one.

  • In my opinion so long as he make sure the dog knows he is the Alpha there should be no real problems behaviour-wise. Although if there is problems contact a professional trainer who has experience with hybrids.

    Nutritional info should have come from the breeder but generally it is the same as most dogs - although i would personally feed a wolf hybrid raw and/or cooked meat to the dogs specific requirements.

    If the dog has not been Spayed or Neutered this should be done ASAP to try and prevent any problems in the future

  • I strongly suggest raw diets for hybrids, most hybrid dogs and cats suffer horrible health problems trying to eat dry kibble. Raw chicken, beef, lamb, venison, duck, etc., throw in about 20% sweet potato, raw dry oatmeal, apples, carrots, peas, etc. for fiber/carbs. And they DEFINITELY need very strong training, do a google search on 'alpha dog training'. Even huskies have a stronger pack instinct than most dogs, and with the wolf added, these hybrids are always searching for a leader, and if they don't have a strong, dominant leader, they will always challenge the people and dogs around them to force leadership on them. If your friend doesn't establish himself as the leader, he's going to be at risk to be attacked or have his dogs attacked when the hybrid decides to play leader instead.

    Hybrids are very misunderstood- including by your friend, who clearly has no concept of wolf behavior.

  • Even though your friends dog is part dog he should be very cautious and always remember that the other half of his new companion is wolf a WILD animal. I would not recomend feeding the puppy raw meet because that could very easily bring out the agression. Also be firm with the pup and assert Domiance early otherwise you could he could end up sleeping on the floor while "dingo" sleeps on the nice soft warm bed. Also socialize puppy early and often so that there will be no agression around other dogs.

  • Wolf hybrids are completely different than normal dogs, they still have much more pack and hunting instincts. They need to be able to roam large outdoor areas, need specialized training, and are illegal in many cities. Yes, they can be gentle and sweet, but they will require far more attention and training from an experienced owner.

  • Wolf hybrids are tricky. They can eat whatever you feed a dog but they are NOT dogs. Wolf Hybrids need to be treated like they are 100% Wolf. They are not a good pet for people who don't know anything about them. Try and convince him to give it to a sanctuary. Check out these links.





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