Is Obama a scientologist?

What is two things Obama and Scientology have in common?

They're both wealthy

And they're both loved by Hollywood...

Oh yeah, and people go around and spread the word about both of them as well....

I think Obama is a scientologist and that is why Hollywood loves him! What do you think?


I'm flying to Denver! AH! So excited!


  • That's funny. By Scientology, do you mean all of the technology and the members and the Churches and Missions and groups? Do you mean the social betterment programs we support or do you mean the social reform programs we support? Not sure which part of this you consider "wealthy".

    Do you mean the Volunteer Ministers that are sent all over the world to help with disasters, or maybe you mean the breakthrough study technology that is changing the face of illiteracy? Or maybe you mean the anti-drug campaigns, all of which we do for free?

    Please clarify exactly who is wealthy and what data you have that actually supports that, like a tax return or something more than opinion. Can you?

  • I think there are a few major faults in your "logic". LOL

    (Oh yeah and I actually am a practicing Scientologist, not a politician or a "Hollywood" supporter. I think both groups have attracted too many people with vested interests)

  • I like Obama, I may disagree with some of his political positions but I will be voting for him

    I don't care for Scientology. I don't agree with their beliefs and will not be joining.

  • most of the politicians we see today are good actors . and the script they read today will be forgotten by next day. I think your Obama guy will not do much different but only just the black guy came to US president song.

  • Obama is green behind the ears and has a lot to learn. Did you hear his speech in Germany? I would think that would have ashamed MOST Americans.

  • A hell of a lot more than Hollywood loves him. Monster crowds wherever he speaks.

  • Obama is a politician. he is whatever religion will help him get elected.

  • I like Obama so shut up.

  • Yes he is, and so are you.

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