Gallup Poll: Tea Party is Mainstream, Why do Leftists demonize mainstream Americans?

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics


  • Conservatives absolutely baffle and exasperate Liberals. Why? Because Conservatives appear to have solid beliefs while the Liberal is lucky if he can formulate some vague, hazy philosophy of things. When the Conservative argues with the Liberal, the Liberal feels he must lash out for fear of discovering that his whole imaginary world is just that: fiction.

    So, Liberals preach "tolerant", but only tolerance for THEIR viewpoints. Anything else is heresy. Just try confronting a Liberal with the facts about global warming and he'll practically start foaming at the mouth. The mind of the Liberal cannot acknowledge that a Conservative is right because the fuzzy Liberal mind is like a shaky house of cards. If the Liberal realizes he's wrong about one thing, it totally destroys their whole imagined reality he has constructed for himself.

    So when Liberals scream like threatened children when you talk about FOX News, or Rush Limbaugh, it is because their brains are not wired to accept contradictory information. I read extensively; both from the Left and the Right. I put my beliefs to the test by really checking if they are based on fact, evidence, and not just conjecture and a psychological construct.

    Liberals cannot do this. It would destroy their carefully-crafted dream world existence.

  • That gallup poll has been debunked already.

    Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Dems or independents

    Turns out, though, that this story is about a poll released last week by a Republican-leaning firm that found 57% of Tea Partiers are self-identified Republicans, 28% are independent and 13% are Dems. So yeah, 41% are either indy or Dem, with Dems making up a small majority of that group.

    But a total of 85% are either Republican or independent. Given that experts say the ranks of independents are swollen these days with defectors from the GOP, these numbers suggest the Tea Party crowd tilts overwhelmingly to the right.

    The new Gallup poll illustrates this even more starkly. The 28% of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters break down this way:

    * Forty-nine percent of Tea Party supporters are Republicans, 43% are independents, and only eight percent are Dems. That means a huge majority — 92% — are Republicans or indys, and again, many of those indys could be former Republicans or lean GOP anyway.

    * Seventy percent of Tea Party supporters say they’re conservative, and only 22% say they’re moderate. And who knows what they even mean by that word to begin with.

    * A whopping 79% of Tea Party supporters are non-hispanic whites. Only 65% of Americans were non-hispanic whites as of 2008.

    * Fifty-five percent of Tea Party supporters make over $50,000 a year.

    It’s true that Gallup does conclude that the Tea Party movement is mainstream — in terms of some demographics. That’s already led to some crowing on the right. But in political terms, the simple facts are unescapable: The Tea Party movement is relatively well off, tilts Republican, and is overwhelmingly white and conservative.

  • What else would the far left do? They certainly can't join in, their ideals don't fit.

    The Tea Party Movement is a fiscal responsibility uprising, the first I've seen in my 54 years. Social conservatives, social moderates and even social liberals may or may not think our government is out of control with the check book. This movement has nothing to do with social issues such as abortion or gay rights. Lots of people with left-leaning social concerns would vote for a better managed government.

    I love the way your first responder juggles the numbers but the fact remains that there are some (at least a few) fiscally responsible liberals out there.

  • Yeah now your talkin. But polls don't mean squat. If the Tea Party can't get candidates that it chooses elected. Not candidates that the Republican party offer up. But actual Tea Party candidates. By the way how did Romney win that last straw poll? He didn't even show up to the event and he beat out Paul. Is the RNC putting the Tea Party on notice? Just asking.

    Have a nice day.

  • Most people do not go to demonstrations to either support of opposes government policies. Even though a majority of Americans opposed the war in Iraq by 2006, no one described the anti war demonstrators as main stream.

  • The Tea Party makes it easy. With all the deficits, we aren't taxed enough to balance the damn budget.

    I agree with the movement, but they are a rudderless political movement that is easily demonized because of the lack of leadership. The message is incoherent to too many.

  • Alinsky rules for political warfare. Identify, separate, slander, minimize, destroy. The left views the movement as an enemy to their seats of corruption and want to label them as fringe kooks.

  • Because they want to cower them into silence, convince them there is no point even bothering to vote or speak out against Obama and his policies, or they will slander you as a racist, and if you still resist, label you a terrorist. And maybe they are ticked becaused their beloved CNN, MSNBC, and NY Times are going down the crapper because more people wake up everyday.

  • Because there is alot more Marxists in America than people think! The far left loons have been brainwashing college kids for YEARS!

  • I would hope that mainstream America wouldn't be so filled with hate to spit on people to get their political points across.

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