Is a regiment a team or a group of a specific trade?

Let's say you are an Artillery Soldier in the army. Will your regiment consist of only people in artillery or will it include infantry and other trades


  • Its a mix..In your example, most of the Soldiers will be artillerymen, but there are also many other MOS's such as supply, intelligence, admin, communications, etc...

  • The Army went to the Brigade Combat Team many moons ago. Regiments still exist but are scattered in different BCT's.

    This is where the 7th Cav is...perhaps you recall some guy named Custer?

    Current status[edit]

    1st Squadron is the Armored Reconnaissance Squadron of the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.

    2nd Battalion is a Combined Arms Battalion of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.

    3rd Squadron is the Armored Reconnaissance Squadron of the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia.

    4th Squadron is the Armored Reconnaissance Squadron of the 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, stationed at Camp Hovey, South Korea.

    5th Squadron is the Armored Reconnaissance Squadron of the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia.

    Go to the link, scroll down to the org chart and start looking how the "Regiments" are split up just within the 4th.

    This is how the Army keeps the lineage of it's oldest and sometimes famous Regiments alive...without a HQ

  • It depends on the regiment.

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