Pro Bowl Depressing?

The probowl is like being kicked when your down. No more football until next fall and this meaningless game makes it even worse.


  • I'm already waiting for August and the pre-season games, even though those don't mean much at all. << sigh >>

  • Cheer up..the draft and free agency are coming up & this is now the silly season where some players will be doing stupid stuff in early-morning hours to make their team look like a scene from The Longest Yard.

  • I used to love it as a kid, especially when Mel Renfro of the Cowboys ran back to punts for TDs in a game. Now I know it's the biggest waste of time in the world.

  • ya i dont like the pro bowl also a lrge amount of the players voted into the game are not attending the game and have been replaced with lower caliber players

  • I hate waiting for the next season to start =(

  • it's fun to watch for 5 minutes and to see who won. other than that it is nothing special because nobody plays all out which is fine, but the special rules make it boring and unfair for defense.

  • That's why I also enjoy nascar. It's season is just beginning and also fills my Sunday slot.

  • Just wait for the NFL Draft.......meanwhile I bide my time with March Maddness.....

  • Go to and sink in some highlights...

    Hopefully, that'll keep you up until football season's up and going once again...

  • i will be spending alot of time down at the ol fishing hole

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