Why did camera manufacturers adopt a closed proprietary Microsoft file system?

Exfat, is a toll gate for Digital Camera Makers, SXDC cards, and any one entering the memory card field for Digital Cameras.

I haven't got a clue why anyone except Microsoft would want to a closed owned propriety file system, rather than an free file system that is already used with SSD memory?

This does not make economic sense are Camera Manufactures daft in the head...

Could someone explain this nonsense of creating propriety problems for all levels of this storage technology in the Digital Camera arena, without being a Microsoft fanboy!!!



AmigaOS 4, BeOS, FreeBDS, Inferno, Linux, Mac, OS2, & other operating systems... There are a number of open file systems that are already running on SSD...

The entire world should not need to pay Microsoft to use a Digital Camera file system...


  • You have things a little confused here. Ask yourself why all the digital camera makers use their own proprietary file structure. Every friggin digital cam mfg uses a different file type for their images and videos. They arent even compatible with each other! How do you expect them to be compatible with anything else? Their software has to convert their file formats to something a computer understands. Now you talk fan boy, the bottom line is since 95 percent of the users out their are buying Pcs, what do you think the mfgs are going to design their software around? If you bought a Mac, you have simply compounded the problem. Now you need to ask yourself why Apple has to have been a proprietary system for over 25 years. The math alone speaks for itself. If you are a Mac fan boy, look at the truth here. Why does Apple have to be so incompatible with the rest of the world?

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