Is Communism a type of socialism?

In that i mean did communism stem from socialism?


  • Yes

    It started with the Greeks and the Golden Age. Well, derived from...

    Communism as a theory of government and social reform may be said, in a limited sense, to have begun with the ancient Greek idea of the Golden Age, a concept of a world of communal bliss and harmony without the institution of private property. Plato, in his Republic, outlined a society with communal holding of property; his concept of a hierarchical social system including slavery has by some been called “aristocratic communism.”

    The Neoplatonists revived the idea of common property, which was also strong in some religious groups such as the Jewish Essenes and certain early Christian communities. These opponents of private property held that property holding was evil and irreligious and that God had created the world for the use of all humanity. The first of these ideas was particularly strong among Manichaean and Gnostic heretics, such as the Cathari, but these concepts were also found in some orthodox Christian groups (e.g., the Franciscans).

    The manorial system of the Middle Ages included common cultivation of the fields and communal use of the village commons, which might be vigorously defended against the lord. It was partly to uphold these common rights, threatened by early agrarian capitalism, that the participants in the Peasants' Revolt (1381) in England and the insurgents of the Peasants' War in 16th-century Germany advocated common ownership of land and of the means of production.

    In the 16th and 17th cent. such intellectual works as Sir Thomas More's Utopia proposed forms of communal property ownership in reaction to what the authors felt was the selfishness and depredation of growing economic individualism. In addition, some religious groups of the early modern period advocated forms of communism, just as had certain of the early Christians. The Anabaptists under Thomas Münzer were the real upholders of communism in the Peasants' War, and they were savagely punished for their beliefs. This same mixture of religious enthusiasm and economic reform was shown in 17th-century England by the tiny sect of the Diggers, who actually sought to put their theories into practice on common land.

  • well many places in the world blend some of these philosophies because the truth is pure Capitalism doesn't work, pure Communism doesn't work and pure Socialism doesn't work..So we as a people need to stop fighting and start creating a new society that does work with a blending of these systems so we all can live in peace. Now Neo cons start fighting and arguing and putting down everyone that doesn't agree with you...1...2...3...GO!

  • yes, but that doesn't mean that socialism and communism are extremely alike. It is still possible to profit in a socialist society and there is still a private sector (depending on the form) but in communism all industries are government run.

  • According to Marx, socialism leads to communism.

  • They so overlap in meanings that there is no practical difference.

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