How do I prevent fleas?

I have a cat, and she has never had fleas before. However I have been taking her outside and am afraid she might get them. How can I prevent her from getting any in an inexpensive way that really works?


  • Go to your vet. Get frontline or advantage. Apply it every month during flea and tick season.

  • I'm in love with Frontline Plus. It was the only flea medication that got rid of my (formerly feral) cat's fleas. Advantage didn't work - it might work for you though.

    Prevention is much easier (and more affordable) than trying to get rid of them once they are here! You can get relatively cheap "top-ups" of flea stuff to give your cat (I get ones that are around $7 each). You can use some home remedies like brushing your cat with some lemon water. You can also get some flea-sprays that you can spray around your cats bedding just to keep them at bay. If your cat is an outside cat it's easy for her to pick up fleas, especially in summer, so now's the time to start flea treatments.

    Have a look in the pet aisle at your local supermarket - they have a large range of prevention measures for fleas.

  • Advantage is a wonderful product, and it only takes one dose a month applied to the skin of the nape of the neck. Vets will often have a good deal on the product, and it's actually less expensive then most over the counter products, which can be FATALLY TOXIC (Last Thursday, TJ, our silver tabby died for this very reason). Trust me, stick to Advantage to prevent them, or to knock out an infestation. If, after any medication is applied, you notice ANY change, such as lethargy, weakness or a refusal to eat, take that kitty to the vet, no matter how silly you think you're being. Many vets will work with you in any way they can to help you help your pet.

  • I don't know what is cheap for you. Revolution costs about $15 a month and it keeps the fleas, mites, worms, and most other pests off of your cat. I recommend Revolution over advantage, because you are taking your cat outside. Advantage is for fleas only. Revolutions controls a lot of things and keeps you from having expensive vet visits. You could also feed your cat brewers yeast with her meals to keep fleas from showing and interest in her.

  • I in basic terms delivered my canine returned from getting a flea bath, Ive considered a minimum of four small fleas or it may desire to be ticks on his fur, it is hour of darkness here and no 24 hour vets here the place I stay. This canine by no potential had an infestation like this ever. don't comprehend what to do now. i don't comprehend if I could desire to administer a topical flea & tick drugs. My canine has had a reaction to chemical compounds interior the flea & tick meds

  • Never use the cheap stuff when keeping fleas off your cat. Advantage is awesome and very safe. Buy a flea comb and comb her daily plus use advantage once a month.

  • Inexpensive Go to the vet and ask for Revolution. Works great. Kills fleas, ticks, earmites, helps prevent heartworms, and intestinal parasites. Little more expensive that Frontline...but it protects against so much more.

  • Keep your cat inside your house. She can not only get fleas outside, but numerous other feral diseases.

    Keep her healthy, keep her in.

  • I use Advantage for my cat, it really works. I buy it from Australia and it's a lot more cheaper even with shipping compare to the one from your vet. Here's the website

  • I get Frontline Plus from a seller on Ebay from Australia. It's half the price then buying it in the US.

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