How do I tell my mum I crossdress?

I've been crossdressing since I was like five. I live with my mum and sister and I only wan to tell my mum. I just want her to know because I will feel more comfortable and I wanna wear tights around the house when my sisters out.I tryed to tell her so many times before but was too embarresed to.


  • I can't imagine you haven't tipped her off by now. Where are you getting the clothes and where do you keep them?? I have to believe your mom or sister has an idea of what you are doing. Either way, it is only a matter of time before one or both figures it out. I think you need to get comfortable with your need to express femininity and lay it out for your mother. I can't predict her reaction, but as I said above, I surmise that she already has an idea and might appreciate your determination to be honest and seek her guidance and support.

  • Pretend you are going to a fancy dress party dressed as a woman, then at the last minute pretend it is canceled, and then just sit around the house in your woman's clothes for the rest of the night, frequently sighing loudly and stating that you really can't be bothered to get changed again. Do this every single night and nobody will ever suspect a thing.

  • Just do it when you feel comfortable, When I came out as to my friend it was possibly the most scariest thing I had ever done, but after about 30 mins of talking we were both fine!! So sort of ignore what i just said and do it because you will never truly feel comfortable until you have told her

  • never an easy thing to do and even harder to advise as I don't know your mum

    has she shown any reaction when she sees them on the telly? that might be a clue as to her feelings, if your watching something like that together you could always say" I'd like to try that" then take it from there.

    I was lucky/unlucky, I was caught dressed as a little girl when I was 5 and carried kicking downstaires to front the whole family, so was never a secret. The bit that got me was the little girl (whose clothes I was wearing) was dressed as a boy and wasnt 'outed'

  • lf you prefer to tell your mom, l am prepared to guess she would be in a position to attempt to comprehend and assist you to. So communicate along with her, and have faith her to love you. in spite of each little thing, females go gown for all time, and no-one questions no count number if or no longer they are gay or no longer (usually, lol)

  • Family should respect eachother no matter who or what they may be. They should always love eachother.

    Tell then and if they spazz about it tell them that they arent very good people and make them feel bad. they'll get the drift.

  • i have no experience with this kind of thing but youve lived with them so long they must have some kind of an inkling...........

    if you told your mum she must understand if she loves you!!

    or save the drama and dont tell !! it should be your privacy every 1 has secrets and no ones perfect!

    good luck!

  • either just tell her when you two are alone, write her a letter (or email) or just start walking around in tights when you want to and let her ask you.

  • just start walking about the house in your mums dress /she will maybe get the picture /just dont wear her undies though

  • take a picture of you in a dress and show it to her over breakfast

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