Is my dog a Siberian husky?

My dog looks like a Husky and acts like one but she isn't that big. She almost 2 years old and has blue eyes and a partially brown one. Her hair is medium length and kind of coarse but she's not fluffy like a normal husky. Her body isn't too big either she's 22in tall and is very lean. When I got her the mom had papers but the father didn't so I've never really know if she's pure husky or not. Also her fur is tan and grayish black with some white here and there, and her face has a German Shepard look to it. Does anyone know of a pure Siberian Husky like this?


  • It could be a Siberian. I cant tell without a picture, There are red and white Sibes, some with black, grey, and or sliver. The breed standard for the weight is 35-65 pounds. 22 inch tall at the shoulder sounds about right for a female Sibe. Email me a picture and I can tell ya.

    Through DNA testing it was recently discovered that the Siberian Husky is one of the oldest living dog breeds.The Siberian Husky was originated by the Chukchi people of northeastern Asia as an endurance sled dog. When changing conditions forced these semi-nomadic natives to expand their hunting grounds, they responded by developing a unique breed of sled dog, which met their special requirements and upon which their very survival depended. The Chukchis needed a sled dog capable of traveling great distances at a moderate speed, carrying a light load in low temperatures with a minimum expenditure of energy.

  • Sounds like you haven't seen very many huskies :P

    She sounds like a husky. They are medium sized dogs, usually 45-55 lbs, sometimes 60-65, rarely do they reach 60+, max size is 70 lbs. If you ever see a wet or shaved sibe you'll notice that they're very lean dogs. The thick coat makes them look much bulkier than they really are.

    The top coat is somewhat coarse, not soft and silky. The undercoat is thick, not necessarily fluffy. Plenty of purebred siberian huskies have a not-so-dense, not quite wooly undercoat, making their medium-length coat look flatter and shorter.

    The Siberian husky comes in any color. All colors are accepted. The color you refer to may be sable or wolf grey. Yes, they can have patchy colors.

    She could be purebred, she could be a mix. Got a few decent pictures of her you can add?

    [Add] @Bryanna - The siberian husky is not a shepherd/wolf mix and in fact the breed has less in common with wolves than Pomeranians do. The breed is centuries old and the result of selective breeding from various tribes across Siberia, hence the breed's name.

    [Add] The eye color your dog has is called "parti-color". This is fairly common in the breed. Most common are blue eyes, followed by brown, followed by bi-color (one eye is blue, the other is brown), followed by parti-color (parts of one or both eyes will be blue and brown in the same eye.)

    [Add] Everybody who expects that a husky should be bigger does not know what a husky should look like. They are often confused with Malamutes, which can easily grow to over twice the size of a typical husky. The Siberian Husky averages about 21-22 inches in height at the shoulder.

  • I doubt that she is a pure bred siberian husky, they often don't have tan fur and usually grow much taller then 22 inches even as females. There is a small chance she is pure husky, but I think It is more likely she is a mix between a husky and a German Shepherd or Shiba Inu.

  • Huskies average 20-23 inches. There are many types of dogs that look similer to the husky, such as the Alaskan Malamute. There is also a breed called Keeshond, maybe that could be what the father was?

    Either way your pup sounds like a beautiful dog!

  • The notion of a "pure siberian husky" is rather ridiculous. We attained the breed by mixing wolves with shepherds until we perfected them to look as they do today. So it is not unusual for your dog to have a bit of a "shepherd" look. That being said, a "pure" husky has EITHER black and white OR red and white fur, never a mix of the two, so if your dog has both black and red fur with the white fur it's probably not pure.

  • It could definitly be a Husky, or a Shiba Inu. Shiba Inus are smaller, and have grey,black, or tan colored fur, with usually blue or brown eyes. It might be a Shiba Inu because of it's size. I hope I helped.

  • Im willing to bet you either have an Alaskan Klee Kai or a Keeshond.

  • Post a picture.

  • Could be!

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