If you are male just put some hand lotion or cream on your penis, and play with it - particularly up and down after its hard. It will feel great and eventually you will shoot, which is the best part. Then you should rest it a while before doing it again...
If you are male just put some hand lotion or cream on your penis, and play with it - particularly up and down after its hard. It will feel great and eventually you will shoot, which is the best part. Then you should rest it a while before doing it again...
Kind thoughts,
r you a dude or a girl ? no offense.
theres many ways for a guy to masturbate but a girl mostly fingers
Hand= Up and down
Simple enough.
imagine your unblocking a sink
lotion + hands + penis = masterbating
look it up.... oh and if your a girl i can't help you there.. o.O ...
with your hands and genitals