Sczofrenia or Asperges?

Hi :) I visited a physiatrist recently, and she said it sounds like I have asperges. I didn't tell her however about my paranoia. I am overly suspicious about people and when I am on the tram, I'll think, are these people plotting a crime?

I don't have feelings. Seriously. And I used to do lots of things when I was younger, now I don't do a thing. I sit on the same spot all day. I need to use the same shampoo and skin care routine. My sleep is crazy all of a sudden. When I wake up my eyes are blurry and I feel I could sleep for another hundred hours.

My routines are intense. And so are my interests. I will be completely into someone or completely out of it.

Recently I saw a white tail on my bed. Why does everyone say it wasn't a whitetail when it was? My Mum says there was no spider in the first place? and when I looked the next morning, there was no dead spider.

I used to feel this embarrassment about myself. My life skills aren't like the average persons. I can't take a tram somewhere or buy milk from the shop. I think it's because I know I look messy. I have no interest in people, not that I can't talk to people, I just don't want to.

I used to take forever getting ready. Not normal tho, literally all day. And I wouldn't go out. I left school. Did nothing. I have no empathy. I follow others because I don't have common sense. I can't string real life problems together in my head, it doesn't work. I would bang my body against doors to check it's locked.


  • It may take a few sessions before your psychiatrist is able to give an accurate diagnosis. Next time you visit her, please be completely open and honest about your feelings and you health. I wish you the very best.

  • you could have both

    or one Asperger's could have led to the other Schizophrenia

    You do sound like you have the negative symptoms of psychosis but

    they are common in other disorders too like severe depression

    or extreme social anxiety or avoidant personality disorder

    (are you fearful of social situations and that's why you avoid them or you simply have no interest in them?)

    or even schizoid personality disorder

    The best thing to do is READ about these possible diagnoses I mentioned and see which one fits you best

    then visit MORE psychiatrists, 2-3-4-5- if needed, and get MORE opinions but tell them EVERYTHING, don't hide information.

    You can never base your future and your entire life and its outcome or the kind of drugs they will probably give you and the treatment/therapy you'll get depending on the disorder ONLY ON ONE PSYCHIATRIST. They make mistakes

    and you'll see that when you ask more of them, you'll probably get VARIOUS diagnoses. It will be confusing but if you ask 5 doctors let's say and 3 of them agree on Asperger's 1 on Schizophrenia and 1 on Depression, I'd say you follow the advice of the MAJORITY!!!

    Sorry but that's unfortunately how it is. Psychiatry is NOT a real objective science, yet, and it may never become one. Diagnostic categories are a little like star signs in astrology. The symptoms are COMMON to MANY disorders and a practitioner has to be VERY GOOD, not just experienced but also INTELLIGENT, at figuring it out.

    Keep trying! And know that YOU are the best diagnostician because YOU EXPERIENCE THIS, not them. If you are given a diagnosis that doesn't feel right to you, DON'T ACCEPT it, keep looking for more information, more tests, and more professionals to diagnose you and also DON'T EVER LISTEN TO them if they tell you you shouldn't visit more than 1 doctors or get mixed evaluations. That's their way of trying to HIDE the weakness of their profession, they know misdiagnoses happen a lot but they just DENY it. If a psychiatrist is like that, absolutely sure of himself and authoritarian, never doubting his opinion or having a CONFIRMATION BIAS towards his colleagues...STAY AWAY FROM HIM/HER!!!

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