Xbox 360 system link?

My birthday is coming up and I need to know how to do a system link with two 360's. Do I just get an ethernet cable and just connect the Xbox's together? And if I want to play on Xbox Live while system linking do I just get a wireless adapter for both and then it will work?

First just tell me exactly what I need. Then tell me what to do! Thanks.


I don't know if this matters, but I'm planning to play Halo 3 and cod4, with 4 people on each Xbox.


  • To directly system link you need to buy a crossover cable. System linking is generally just between multiple consoles locally so I don't think you can initiate a system link and run live at the same time, with a good router you should be able to play in a locally hosted game with up to 4 consoles (much more if you daisy chain or you have a large hub switch) realistically there is little reason to have live running while system linking but it you realllllllly want to badly enough you can simply just host a game from one box and get your friends to join that particular private game session. As you can see there are many ways to do it and knowing how many machines you will be running would certainly help a great deal.

  • just get a router, connect your modem, and 360's to the router, and you'll be set. it doesn't matter if the 360's connect by ethernet or wireless adapter (if you have a wireless router) they will be on the same network, and you can play system link.

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