Egypt, Translate to Arabic?

Anyways, the last few questions I asked didn't get posted, so I thought this is the only way to post my questions.

For Oud fans, check out these artists:

Hamza El Din

Ziyad Sahhab

Music Q: Do you have any recommendations? I already know Marcel Khailfe and Naseer Shamma.

Bonus Q: Did you like the songs?


  • Couldn't open both links..... sorry, most probably its a problem here in Abu Dhabi, cos a lot of sites are blocked.

    I love Oud, it has its own allure, i ve listened to Naseer Shamma before but not Marcel Khalife.... anyway, i used to love listening to oud intros by Farid El Atrash.

    PS. I stared yr q, so it wud appear on the main page... hope i helped.

  • I will try to listen to the music soon, but I'm in a hurry now.

    I like Naseer Shamma live and I heard him in Oud Home [beit el Oud] in Egypt. I like also Marcel Khalife but not only for the music.

    Oud is very interesting music in general.

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