who do you perfer to listen to?



or a talk show?


  • Silence is my favorite, but I also like to hear a soft wind through the cottonwood tree.

  • The 70's becuase my standard band and maximum of different bands i admire made their ultimate stuff in that decade. besides If i could decide directly to take heed to each and every of the music from the eighty's i admire or Led Zeppelin's Kashmir, i could take Kashmir in a heartbeat becuase that's that stable, heck it is the only music I evaluate musical perfection

  • sounds of the Big Band Era or The Shadow Radio Shows. hubby and I have interesting conversations too.

  • My partner

    My family

    My friends

    Radio - 2NUR (Newcastle, Australia - all the songs of my generation :)

    Silence well the bush sounds when on a walk.

    Our Butcher bird who sings at 5 am!!

    Even my meowing cat!! He is a good chatterer!!

  • I like the monotonous ranting of the bull-headed nimrods who host right-wing talk-radio shows. And the like-minded idiots who call in to agree with them. ("That guy stole my thunder," they always say about each other.) There's something oddly soothing about listening to people who don't know what they're talking about and who keep repeating the same stupidities over and over again.

  • You said who, not what, so I prefer to listen to intelligent folks who know what they are talking about and my friends and the sweet chatter of my princess of a granddaughter.

    Other than that, I keep my own council.

  • If I am stumped as to what to do I tend to listen to someone faced with the same situation and how they coped with it.

  • I like to lisaten to others opinions, then I mull it over and come to my own conclusions.

  • Myself. I like to hear a smart person talk.

    Others. Rarely.

    Talk show? Never.

  • Others,a good way to learn something.

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