you really despise a beard?

How do you feel about facial hair?


  • Well trimmed beard...good

    Bushy mountain man beard....very bad

  • I hate beards but a lil facial hair is ok

  • I never really liked facial hair, until I met my husband...he has a goatee and I just ADORE it ha! He has also grown a short beard and that's just down right sexy on him as well.

  • I think that facial hair is HOT! :)

    (There are limits, though. I love a little five o'clock shadow/ goatee/stubble, but a full, bushy, grandfather-like beard doesn't really do it for me.)

    Hope that helped you!

  • On some men, facial hair looks good and on some men it does not look good. That is my opinion. But overall, I like men with neat and trimmed facial hair.

  • My husband has a cute little beard. I like it. I like to play with it and tease him about the two or three little grey hairs that keep showing up (and then disappearing! LOL) in it.

  • I've never had a bf that had a beard...mustach is okay...doesnt really bother me...I'd think though if my guy did have a beard, Id never really get to kiss his I dont think I would like a guy with a beard...hope it helps...take care..

  • I absolutely love facial hair (not too much) but a little. It gives the guy a 'rough' look which is sexy to me.

  • I like facial hair as long as the man takes care of it and himself and he looks good. I especially like it because it is tickly.

  • As long as it's well grooomed, I don't mind. On some men, facial hair can be distinguished. On others, it makes them look old.

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