Do you think this dude thinks I'm a racist?

I was at the beach, so I wasn't wearing my glasses. I was just leaning up against a pole and people watching, you know.

So this dude is walking by, and I look at him. I have to kinda squint my eyes to see him, and when he comes into focus, he is like an arab or whatever. So he sees me narrowing my eyes at him and gives me this sort of half-surprised/half-angry look, and quickly walks past me.

So... Then I thought, "Oh, great. Does this dude think I'm a racist giving an arab the "evil eye" or something when all I really am is blind?

Or do you think he just accurately assumed that I'm a retard and decided to get the hell away before something idiotic happened...?


  • Arabs are almost as bad as blacks are. They all hate white people. Arabs want to commit terrorism to kill whites. I wish President Trump's travel ban had been successful instead of getting blocked by bleeding heart politically correct social justice warrior liberals.

  • Don't sweat it. Clearly it was a misunderstanding. Fūck it lol

    He might have thought you were glaring at him and said to himself, "what are you looking at me for?"

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