betta problem please help

my betta goes up and down in the tank on the corner is this normal??also yesterday he started to go around the filte in circle but he dosent do that anymore was that a sign of sickness or something???this is the 3rd day dat my betta just goes up and down ...he eats well and everything im a scared is this okay for a betta?


  • Yes, it's normal, he's just exploring the tank.

    Your betta is fine, he's just checkin out his surroundings and his tank. You soundslike your have a very active little guy on your hands. As long as his color is a pretty solid color from day to day, he's healthy.

    You're doing great, take a big breath, and watch your little guy swim! He's having the time of his life, enjoy it with him.

    Good luck!

  • How big is the tank, could it be overcrowded? Betta's are very hearty and hard to kill. As long as he is eating ans swinging good he should be ok, he might just like the corner. If he starts swinging a little cricked then there might be something wrong.

  • He might have seen his reflection and went up and down, thats what my fish did, but my betta fish goes in circles all the time. Its perfectly normal.

  • no its just trying to find out whats around but you should add a silk plants, as my betta(regi) loves looping through the plant and sleeping in it. if you have any problems just email me and i'd be glad to help. (Betta's are the best)

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