How do you raise self-esteem? ?

Ever since I've moved to Oregon my self-esteem has gone done a lot. I think its because almost everybody at my school is caucasian, but im hispanic. But the thing is i dont have darker skin with black hair, i was born with pale skin with black hair. But it has an olive background so I cant dye my hair blond or light brown or anything. Lately people have been calling me the scary goth girl and I dont have very many friends. I dont get why they call me goth. I wear lots of colors and smile a lot? Also my hair is very curly and i get made fun for that too. What can i do to raise my self-esteem?


  • I'm light skinned and hispanic and moved to Oregon when I was 12! Anyways, to raise your self esteem I suggest the following:

    Join a club and meet some new people/make friends.

    Ignore the rude people unless they are harassing you, then report them to school staff.

    Do activities you enjoy and spend time with those who love you for who you are.

    Volunteer somewhere. This is usually required to graduate high school and gives you work experience, plus you feel good about helping others.

    Lastly, this may be difficult as I'm getting the feeling that you're on the shy side, but try to be friendly to as many people as possible. Kids seem intimidated by you for some reason, but if you show them you're a friendly person word will get around.

    Good luck!

  • well think about this, culture and where you live its all different, does it really matter? your just as shallow as them thinking your not pretty or good enough to live up to their standards. if you looked like that anywhere everybody will have a different opinion of you. you maybe considered very beautiful and lucky to have such fair skin, you actually are. and WHY in world are you even caring about color, that is something you are born with and even if you were to make yourself as a fake person of a temporary skin color that some other little ignorant people think you should have then you have something construed in your head to believe what is beautiful, when actually what is beautiful is in the eye of the beholder, you believe that everyone on this earth or even at this country thinks that dark skin and dark hair is the most beautiful and anything otherwise should change it? think what kind of Hitler fantasy is it to have someone look all alike?

    Be happy with who you are, and in your body, you will be in it your whole life. don't make yourself a fake doll. please.

  • Raise your confidence. Don't let anyone push your buttons, ignore them or kick ***, your choice.

    I'm white, married to a hispanic girl for 9 years, I used to get annoying looks from racist people of all colors, mostly from white people, and such rude waitresses, I just gave it back to them, I don't take harassment or shiza from anyone, and neither should you or anyone else. And bad waitresses don't get tips.

  • You need to realize that everyone who picks on you, or judges your appearance, is irrelevant. if they're shallow enough to judge someone because they don't look like everyone else, Don't let their words get to you. I have self esteem issues too, I think listening to music really helps, along with trying to point out one of your best qualities every day. :)

  • Just find something u like doing and find some friends your age outside of school. Take extra care of your appearance.

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