Favorite Exotic Animal? eg: Tiger, Monkey, Zebra?

just wondering about everyone's fav exotic animal


  • A mutant human. >:D MWHAHAHA!

  • 1. White tigers are not bonafide animals, nor can they be located within the wild. They're man-made freaks of nature full of beginning defects. The only white tiger identified to occur within the wild used to be captured in 1951...And later bred to his daughter. It is from this one tiger that each one white tigers have descended, and have inherited the defects that such inbreeding produces. The practice of breeding white tigers can not be defended, on both a basis of natural world conservation or animal welfare. 2. Monkeys also are not compatible as pets. They are *wild* animals, and could with no trouble kill you should you tried to keep it as a pet.

  • Wolves, Lions, Bears

  • Kiwi fron New Zealand

  • Kiwi bird. Definitely. Or Panda. Both of which are completely amazing.

  • exotic?

    a white tiger :]

  • Either tiger or meerkat. Both are cute.

  • Mine is the real Tasmanian devil. I would like to own one as a pet.

  • A cheetah.

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