How Do I Solve This Algebra Problem?

I'm confused on how to solve this problem

The base of a ladder is 4 horizontal feet from the wall where its top rests. The slope of the line made by the ladder is 3.3. What is the vertical height of the top of the ladder? (Assume that the positive direction points from the base of the ladder toward the wall.

Not only could you solve it but could you explain in detail how to get the correct answer


  • The angle the ladder makes with the floor has tangent 3.3. This tangent is the ratio (vertical height) / (4 horizontal feet). This gives you an equation you can solve for (vertical height).

  • Well, the just imagine what is the situation physically. A ladder is resting against a wall. Base of the ladder is 4 feet away from the base of the wall. Whole of the situation makes a right angled triangle where, the wall is the perpendicular, ladder is the hypotenuse, and the distance b/w the base of ladder and wall is the base of the right angled triangle.

    Now, we know that in a right angled triangle, the slope = tangent of of the angle between base and hypotenuse = perpendicular/base

    So, slope = perpendicular / base

    3.3 = perpendicular / 4

    perpendicular = 3.3 x 4 = 12.3 Answer

  • Firstly,in your second line, wad does 3.3 represent, if it represents feet then apply Pythagoras' theorem where the slope line is the hypothenus. Also assuming that the wall is perpendicular to the floor and the ladder is straight.Thus,the square of the slope line is equal to the square of the distance of the ladder at where it rest to the wall added the the square of the vertical height of the top of the ladder.Thus, the vertical height would be the square root of 3.3² - 4². Since 4² is bigger than 3²,the should not be an answer.So, i conclude your question is wrong. :)

  • u can use pythagoras theorem

    hypotenuse^2 = base ^2 + height^2

    4*4=3.3*3.3 + height ^2

    height^2 = 16- 10.89

    height^2 = 5.11

    height = 2.26 unit

  • If m is the angle the ladder makes with floor, than tan(m) = h/4

    tan(m) = slope = 3.3

    3.3 =h/4

    h = 13.2 feet....................Ans

  • B/2 = -7 + B multiply the two factors by utilising 2 (*2)B/2 = 2(-7+B) simplify B = -14 + 2B subtract 2B from the two factors B (-2B) = -14 + 2B (-2B) simplify -B = -14 divide by utilising a adverse to isolate your variable -B/- = -14/- simplify B = 14 --------------------------------------... to envision: positioned your fee for B that's 14 contained in the equation the place B is placed 14/2 = -7+14 7 = 7 and the solutions are an analogous so it extremely is right

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