How do you portray insomnia in a photograph?




How do you see it?


  • Why not look at ads for sleep aids?

  • I'd say (in one photograph)

    1. A bed with bedclothes rumpled - someone was tossing and turning a lot.

    2. A person sitting by the bed on the floor looking at it longingly, arms around themselves

    3. Dark surroundings, of course - the bed and the person are two points of light

  • I suffered from this throughout college and even now. If you are serious about this, try staying up as along as you can... and think to yourself, insomniacs are as tired as you are now, but they cannot sleep. They lay in bed for hours and theyre mind wont stop working.

    Frustrated, tired, irritated, boost of energy (body overworking), snappy, moody...

    It's hard to capture all that in a photograh... If it was a project, I would lay a person in bed with their eyes WIDe open, with a clutter of things all around the bed... representing whats on their minds and the reasons for them not being able to sleep. Maybe books, parents on the side yelling, girl friend being angry, tv, homework.. etc.

  • My wife has insomnia. So I think of her in her pajamas, sitting in front of the computer in our dark bedroom, while I'm asleep. I like the other posters' ideas of a digital clock that shows some ungodly hour of the morning as well.

  • Bloodshot eyes

    In bed with the TV blaring.

    Sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the night feeding the dog your ice cream.

  • I'm thinking the lighting would be blue, and a person sitting up in bed, with their head in their hands. Emphasize make-up with dark circles under their eyes.

  • I can suggest an image of someone walking under a streetlamp at night. Beneath the overcoat, one can, clearly see the striped pajamas and house slippers.

  • How about a picture of someone pacing around bleary-eyed in the middle of the night? That would be me, by the way. Danged restless legs and heartburn!

  • what about someone looking exhausted, (sitting at a table w/ a cup of coffee, in a bathrobe, head in hands, or leaning on hand, etc) with a digital clock in the background that shows A.M. time and have it say like 4:45am or something... or if you can tweak your photography, have the same image of a person looking tired and have a regular clock in the background and tweak the clocks arms to look as if they are in continuous spinning motion....

  • I am nodding off at the office because I coculd not get to sleep. My clothes dont match and my hair is a mess. I am drinking an expresso to stay up.

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