Convert 17(pie)/18 to degrees?

and another problem

-552 degrees to radians


oops, its -533 degree to rad


  • ////////



  • The proper way to write it is pi, not pie. ;)

    degrees = radians x 180/pi

    radians = degrees x pi/180

    17pi/18 x 180/pi = 17/18 x 180 = 17 x 10 = 170 degrees

    -533 degrees x pi/180 = -9.30 rads

    A circle = 2pi = 6.28 rads

    So, -9.30 + 6.28 = -3.02 + 3.14 = .12 rads

    We would go around the circle clockwise 1 full time, then continue until we end up in quadrant II.

    .12 rads clockwise from the horizontal (x-axis).

  • Approx 170 degrees. 1 pi = 180 degrees. (17/18) * 180 = 169.992

    -9.30 ( to get radians, multiply the degrees by pi, and divide by 180).

  • 1. 17(180)/18 = 170 degrees.

    2. -533pi/180 if you need radians in terms of pi. If not just multiply by pi (3.14) and round to the hundredth. -9.30 radians in decimal form

  • Since one pie equals 180 can multiply it out to cancel the pies...

    like pie/pie = 1.

    So in this case...

    17pie/18 TIMES 180/pie

    You can see that it's gonna end up pie/pie after you multiply it. Therefore, it will become just 1.

    After the pies cancel out, it'd be (17 x 180)/ 18

    The answer should be 170 degrees.

    Good luck..

  • replace the pi with 180 degrees and reduce.

    to do the second problem replace every 180 degrees with a pi and reduce, (not quite as easy as the first one)

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