Do cats continue to mate even when pregnant?

I have 2 cats. One is female and the other is male, (brother and sister). The female looks very pregnant to me. In late Jan and early Feb. the neighbor's cat starting coming around and I actually caught him mating with my female in my driveway. Since then, I have watched her belly get fatter and fatter and her nipples are prominent and pink. I am not sure of the exact date that she could have conceived, but I have been watching and waiting for her to have kittens any day now. But, this evening I caught my male cat on top of her biting her neck and trying to mount her. Do cats continue to do this even if the female is pregnant? I didn't think they would if the female wasn't in heat.


Ok, for those who have made the comment about the cats not being fixed. We had every intention of getting them both fixed but didn't get the chance to before the female got pregnant. We thought at the time they were still too young to mate. They were about 5 months old when the female conceived. I don't believe the brother is the father of the kittens since I have not seen him try to mount her until just recently. I really think it is our neighbor's cat that impregnated her because I saw him doing it. We will definitely have her fixed after the kittens arrive and are weaned.


  • I have two cats and both are fixed. However the brother still mounts his sister. It is a dominance thing.

    Hope all goes well with the kittens. Get the mother fixes as soon as you can so you don't have more in the future.

  • Sometimes males animals will mount females and even other males in a show of dominance.

    Cats are not like other animals. While other animals can only get pregnant while they are in heat, cats can get pregnant at any time. Your cat is obviously pregnant but she cannot get pregnant while she is still pregnant.

    No offense but if you continue to allow your male and female cats to be together, brother and sister or not, they will produce offspring and often times the offspring can be deformed. Best to get the female or male or both spayed and neutered.

  • A female cat can be impregnated again, even though she is already pregnant, she will also have 2 different due dates. Fix your animals, I mean, brother and sister? Honestly, that is just pure ignorance having them both and not having even just one fixed.

  • yea they'll do it, my rabbits do this too i think she's pregnant and he still mounts her. they wont do it as often though since the female usualy wont let them. cats can conceive at any point in time, its just that the scent of the females in heat attracts the males more than any other time because its much stronger.

  • i comprehend this could be difficult to take (i'm an ex-breeder of purebred Rexes) yet you're going approximately this the incorrect way in the form of fantastic form of techniques! Please submit to with me and that i would be as great as i'm able to. first of all - are the cats tutor high quality purebred cats with registration papers and do you have permission to be breeding them? If no longer, please take them in now and spay/neuter them. puppy high quality cats ought to on no account be bred! Now in the journey that your cats have high quality, the subsequent question is "have they been examined for PKD and different genetic problems"? If no longer, get it executed or spay/neuter on the instant. Persians are frequently sluggish to mature, so it ought to be a difficulty with them. amateur cats frequently take longer to parent it out. And protecting them mutually greater then a week whilst breeding isn't stated (you could no longer tell if she is pregnant until eventually approximately 3-4 weeks after mating). Cats will mate however if in or out of warmth and you need to possibility severe problems of kittens springing up at distinctive cases - cats are brought about ovalators - they launch eggs whilst bred. except you comprehend for particular whilst she is in warmth, do no longer go away them mutually at any time. The male ought to be stored separated from her so he's greater keen to reproduce. in the event that they are mutually too lots, many men won't difficulty. IMO you rather have not executed adequate learn on your cats and the two between the ought to be spayed/neutered. additionally submit to in suggestions that many Persians want c-sections to furnish the kittens - that's tremendously intense priced ($1500+).

  • once a female cat is had she stays in heat yes they will mate over and over till the babies are born then she will fight them off of her to protect the babies

  • please get her fixed as soon as the kitties are weaned

    don't be one of those ppl that keeps letting their cats get knocked up or knockin others up

    there are MILLIONS of dogs and cats in this country with no home....not an exaggeration either

  • Well that isnt good if they are brother and sister. you should keep them seperated at these times.

  • no i beleive they dont my neighbors cat is pregnant and my cat never does it with her anymore

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