Do I deserve a hug?

I just spent an hour resolving my questions.


  • yes! and u deserve a hug for fighting for P&S in enemy territory yesterday!! Good Work! We won!!!

    (>^_^)> ♥ <(^_^<)

  • Wow!! You are out of this world. You deserve more than a hug. But I'll give you the hug, and let your fiance' supply the rest. lol

  • Ok you deserve a big hug. I'm giving you a big cyber hug.

  • An Hour?! Wow. That's a lot of work. Have a Hug. =)

  • That is commendable. Do you have a few hours for mine. I was away from the computer for about 36 hours and somehow managed to receive dozens of emails to read and answer....Now I know it is easier as they come.

  • of course you do it took you a long time to resolve your questions,actually you deserve a treat

  • :)) i just spent 4 hours arranging little points in a picture

  • sure you do.give yourself a BIG HUG from me and a pat on the back for a job well done. now take a break,put your feet up and have a beer!

  • everyone deserves a hug and affirmation that they are special in their own way!!! here you go "squeeze-squeeze" keep up the good work, live life to the fullest, you never know when it will be over!!!!!!

  • ooodahboobaa goobie booboo who want a hug you want a hug yes u do yesu do gibbie dibbie gibbiejoogie pah yeah you get a hug

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