Which do you prefer: Contacts or glasses?

I recently switched to contacts. I love 'em!


  • Glasses since they don't fall into your eye like I understand contacts do. I wear glasses.

  • Contacts

  • Glasses

  • contacts.

    I hate to wear glasses when it's raining or snowing, I don't look good in them and they are annoying to have on my face all the time.

    I'm stuck having to wear my glasses now because I wore my contacts too much and they messed up my eyes so I need to wait for a while before I can were some again.

  • Contacts! I look worse in glasses then I do on a normal basis. Plus they just get in the way

  • Contacts. I ran out of them a week ago and had to wear glasses for a week, it was awful! I'd take my glasses off for something, and then I'd forget and go somewhere else and be crabby because I couldn't see clearly. I got contacts again today, and I have never appreciated them so much.

  • Glasses i cant put contacts in.

  • Glasses for two reasons:

    I can't keep my eyes open for more than 3 seconds

    ...and glasses make some people look really awesome.

    I only really wear them when I'm trying to see things from a distance though. I'm nearsighted.

  • Contacts =)

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