Snake solves problem...........................?

Snake solves problem

I was driving down a lonely country road one cold winter day when it began to sleet pretty heavily. My windows were getting icy and my wiper blades were badly worn and quickly fell apart under the strain.

Unable to drive any further because of the ice building up on my front window I suddenly had a great idea. I stopped and began to overturn large rocks until I located two very lethargic hibernating rattle snakes. I grabbed them up, straightened them out flat and installed them on my blades and they worked just fine.

What! You've never heard of . . . wind chilled vipers?


  • hahhahahahhaa

    silly billy

  • You would be better off getting some traps (pref. humane if this is a pet rat), or calling a Critter Getter. Even an exterminator is better than getting a python. Pythons are an alien species. What would you do if the snake escaped from your house? The irresponsible release of alien snakes and other non-native pets jeopardizes the survival of many native species and effects the environment in ways you cannot predict. You need to be more responsible before you get any more pets. Next time you get tired of a pet, please call a pet rescue. There are lots of rescues that re-home small and exotic pets. You can find one by advertising for one on Craig's List in your area or by calling a vet in your area who treats small animals and exotics.

  • you got there in the end x

  • Hahaha! good one! i love it!

  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  • :-D


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