Greasy nose?

Hey y'all so my face is pretty normally greased (or whatever you wanna call it haha), but my nose is greasy all the time like I have to wipe it every four hours ugh it's soo annoying!! So if y'all have any home remedies or something that would be amazing thank y'all and I'm picking best answer 😊


  • I have the same greasy and oily nose. I have to change my face wash every so often so my skin doesn't get used to it and get greasy.

    And I have to wear make-up(liquid foundation and a Matte Powder) on my nose! You have to use Matte Make-up.

    There is oil blotting sheets you can buy at a drugstore and put in your pocket and use when you the restroom you can blot your face.

    Yes it's annoying but will go away with time!

  • hi-5! my nose gets oily as well but honestly to remove the oil u have to try to keep your face rough ! like how about washing your face with soap twice a day!? trust me this works! :D try neutrogena or detol! and it costs less as well! give it a try!

  • Call ur skin doctor and tell him/her

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