Why do corporations control America?

I think there's something very wrong when the 1% gets to dictate what laws should be laws and what shouldn't just because they have a bigger wallet than the average American.

That's not what our founding fathers envisioned. America is corrupt.


  • Because they have the money to purchase Congressmen and Senators. That is why there are not more electric cars on the road, because Exxon-Mobil and other Big Oil Companies has buried legislation that would move us to clean energy.

  • The Founding father's were a bunch of well off white guys who didn't want to pay their taxes. Pretty much the only people with voting rights back then were Caucasian landowners with 50 acres or more or white men rich enough to have to pay substantial taxes. Everyone else was considered riff-raff, a hodgepodge of menial servants both indentured or poorly paid that had no say in the government and even less in their day to day lives.


    A lot of those rich people either started US corporations or invested in them these same people helped write the rules governing them and since they were the only people allowed to vote most of their laws got passed. In addition their descendants have refined these rules over the centuries to make sure "old money" makes new money. At this point voting is pretty meaningless since both party's are just different faces of the same coin. If voting could actually make a difference it would be illegal or limited to the "1%" and "corporate persons".

    It wasn't really that much different in the old Communist block countries there was always a very well off super minority governing the unhappy masses with BS and fear. Well off party members didn't share their private Dachas and other "meager" luxuries with the public.

    The Golden Rule is "Those with the gold makes the rules" and it has ALWAYS BEEN THE RULE.

  • Because politicians have written favorable legislation in exchange for campaign cash.

    And until meaningful campaign finance reform happens, it's only going to get worse. Trust me.

  • Money is controlling America who has the most controls

  • Where would America be without big corporations?

  • The one percent pay 80% of the cost of running the country. Do you feel you should have an equal say so in how money is spent because you contribute a tenth of a tenth of a percent?

  • Have you seen how rich Reid, Kerry, & Pelosi are? It takes a LOT of money to buy them.

  • There has always been a rich class ruling every country and empire throughout the last 11,000 years of history.

    You act like this is some new 21st century innovation...

  • Americans do not mind the corrupted business as long they get their entertainments and food.

  • Money is the grease, an oil derivative.

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