why do democrats turn everything into a race issue?

one case particular is illegal immigration, when ever someone against it they almost always turn it into a race issue saying you're singling out Hispanics when that was never mentioned, when i speak of illegal immigrants i speak of all illegal immigrant regardless of nationality, people against illegal immigration don't even mention race yet it's almost the first thing democrats mention, isn't that the sign of a racist?

your views?


Jon J: why do you say "you guys" I am not republican I am a free thinker and I'm smart enough to realize we are getting screwed by both sides.


  • Democrats tell everyone that minorities are not capable of living their own lives, and making their own decisions. Through their actions the democrats show their contempt of minorities, while trying to keep them enslaved to the government through government subsidies. This is the definition of racism.

  • Democrats don’t have that much ammunition to begin with. They lose in almost every logical argument, so after 30 of arguing their talking points they have to turn their argument into something they can exploit. Throwing the race card usually makes them feel better but that quickly breaks down, because the average voter is more informed today than in the past.

  • My mom says persons are constantly attempting to make a mountain out of a mole hill. whilst issues do no longer bypass there way, they warfare to conjure up fake reasoning to instruct why their suitable and why your no longer.there is mostly a facet that opposes the different. there'll constantly be racism, as long as there is stable and evil, yet no longer in basic terms against different races of the international, yet of diverse classes and genders.the rich in many cases look down on the damaging,whether or no longer they be white, black, hispanic, male or woman. in the experience that your damaging in u . s ., your immediately regarded down on, like rubbish. as a manner to respond to your question, regardless in the experience that your democratic or republican, there is often going to be some one looking down on you.

  • Obviously you forget that it was republican president ronnie reagan that signed the amnesty of 1986, paving the way for the illegal alien invasion that followed.

    There are racists in both parties, so why not TRY being honest about it?

  • Because many of your arguments are based on fear of other people or perceived ill affects it has on your culture or the specific group you belong to. This is especially true in immigration debates. (I want my country back!)

    Conservatives often belittle other people and groups calling attention to past attitudes of superiority reminding people of white supremic beliefs.

    Making you guys seem like racists.

    That is the answer to your question, maybe not the answer you wanted, but that is the truth.

  • In my opinion, democrats are childish and hypocrites. This is crystal clear when they play the race card at the drop of the hat. Sort of like a spoiled little kid, kicking and screaming on the floor at Wal-Mart.


  • well not all, but most!

    And because its easier to attack character in a pat statement than sit there and have to analyze their own thoughts and face some logical facts. Oh and the high up dems are marginilizing non-minorities for a reason.

  • Because they don't want us to EVER vote for anyone except a white person, and I will from now on because it's getting old. They just ruined their chances of having blacks get elected

  • Blah i'm so sick of seeing both parties point their racist fingers at each other!!! It takes a racist to point out a racist

  • You are racist for questioning us we are the democrats what we say goes

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