¿este mini texto traducirlo a ingles, por favor?

El maltrato a la mujer es hoy en dia lo normal, en la noticias aparecen muchos casos, pero ya estamos acostumbrados y nos da igual, lo que llevamos de año ya han muerto muchas mujeres, pero porque no impedirlo? Hoy en dia hay mucho maltratador fuera, tal vez porque haya pasado mala infancia, por los videojuegos, porque en su casa fue maltratado o simplemente porque le guste. La mujer nunca debe perdonar un golpe ni una infidelidad

si kereis añadir algo podeis, muchas gracias!!! os gusta mi opinion


  • The mistreatment towards the women is normal nowadays. There are many cases in thre news but we are used to it and we don't care. Many women have died this year, but why don't we stop it? Nowadays there are many mistreaters out there, maybe because they had a bad childhood or because of videogames.Perhaps because they were mistreated or just because they likes it. A woman should never forgive a hit or an infedelity.

    esta muy lindo el texto, eso si.. en ingles suena un poco repetitivo. pero depende apras que lño uses esta bien, si es para uan tarea escolar te va ir muy bien- si es para presentar como trabajo practico mas o menos... pero el concepto basico esta bien.

    ah! me olvidaba: varios contestaron usando el traductor y se nota... yo igual les puse deditos para abajo (si, fui yo, y que?)

    te aviso para que no tmoes en cuentas esas respuestas deshonestas.

    suerte!! besso.

  • Women mistreatment is something quiet normal nowadays. Many cases appear in the news, but we are getting use to it and we don't pay attention. Many women have died due to beatings this year. How can we avoid it?. Nowadays, there are many miscreants living in the world, maybe because they had a bad childhood, maybe because of the videogames. Either they were mistreated at home o simply because they like it. Women must never forgive a blow nor an infidelity.

  • hay que detener el maltrato hacia la mujer¡¡¡¡¡ de una vez por toda...las mujeres son las que mueve el mundo

  • The abuse to the woman today is in day the normal thing, in the news many cases do appear, but we've already accustomed and does you give us same, has what we take of year many women already died, but why not to impede it? Today in day (up to date) there is a lot of mistreater out, perhaps he/she has passed bad childhood, for the video games, because in your house it was mistreated or simply because he likes. The woman should never forgive a blow neither an infidelity.

    No hay de qué.

  • The maltreatment to women is a normal thing nowadays. In news appear many cases, but we are use to, and it doesn't matter to us, in this year have dead a lot of women, but, why can't we stop it?

    Nowadays there's a lot of people who maltreatment women, maybe because they have had a bad infancy, by the video games, maybe because in their houses they were maltreatmented, or just because they like do it. Woman must never forbid a hit, or a unfaithful...

    Eso es todo, espero te sirva.

  • aki esta . espero te ayude. bye

    The mistreatment of women is the norm today, the stories are many cases, but we are used and gives us equal, which carry of the year have already killed many women, but because they do not prevent this? Today there is a lot of abusive outside, perhaps because poor children has passed, video games, because their house was mistreated or simply because you like. Women should never forgive a blow or infidelity

  • entra al traductor de google y de ahi se te traduce solo..!

    la pagina es la siguiente:


    espero que te sirva!


  • Hola, ojala te ayude, le agrege algo de mi propia cosecha, de cualquier manera checalo...


    Nowadays the mistreat to the woman look like very normal, everyday in the news see a lot of these cases but it seems like if what something can live with and careless. Through this year has died a lot of womens, but why don't do something to stop it? why just turn off the tv or change the channel? why keep the silence? There is something that is true, there a lot of people that hurt womens, no only men, women too, and thats maybe because they had a terrible childhood, or maybe in their house their were part of this, another cause is maybe the videogames or is something that enjoy, and that is so freaky.

    A woman must never forgive a mistreat or an infidelity, but must importan, must never be QUIET.

  • The mistreatment to the woman is nowadays the normal thing, in you her(it) notify many cases appear, but already we are accustomed and it(he,she) is all the same to us, which we take of year already many women have died, but because it not to prevent? Nowadays there is many maltratador out, maybe because bad(wrong) infancy has happened(passed), for the video games, because in his(her,your) house it(he) was ill-treated or simply because he(she) likes it(him,her). The woman must never excuse either a blow or an infidelity

  • ok

    The mistreatment to the woman is nowadays the normal thing, in you her(it) notify many cases appear, but already we are accustomed and it(he,she) is all the same to us, which we take of year already many women have died, but because it not to prevent? Nowadays there is many maltratador out, maybe because bad(wrong) infancy has happened(passed), for the video games, because in his(her,your) house it(he) was ill-treated or simply because he(she) likes it(him,her). The woman must never excuse either a blow or an infidelity

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