Navy Reserve, College, or Active Duty?

I really wanted to go into the Navy instead of going directly to college after HS. I'm not one of those types who just want the money; I really want to serve my country but I also still want to get my college education. Will I be giving up the "college experience" if I enlist for active duty? What if I go into the reserves? Then I will not be able to start school until the spring semester anyway, instead of in the fall like I had wanted. Should I give college a try first before I make a decision? However, jobs aren't guarenteed after college, but in the Navy they are. Lastly, I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents and I know I would be if I enlisted or went into the Reserves; they've already told me as much. However, I just want to serve my country. I've been living in America too long and taking freedom for granted.


See, the reason that I ask that question is because of my situation. I had never thought of the Armed Forces before. I was the straight-A student, 28 ACT bound for college. And last summer between my junior and senior year of high school, I became interested in the Navy. Very interested. The only thing that stopped me from enlisting right then and there was my age. My parents did not approve and though it was the most horrible thing ever. I applied for ROTC and I never heard back from them. I started recently looking into the Navy Reserve and taking a year off from school to complete the training and then get my college out of the way. Now in all reality since I am 18 then only thing stopping me is I know that my parents will never forgive me for it. I don't understand how people can sit around and take their freedom for granted but when someone wants to serve (me) it's all horrible because they might die and stuff like that. But if I die, I die for my country and I die for freedom.


  • You could go either way I think. I believe that you really should follow your heart always.

    I understand wanting to make your parents proud .. but your life is your own, and you are the only one who will ever live it. Basically I'm saying that you have to make choices based on who you are, not on who others want you to be, or based on what they want for you.

    You can always go to college ..try it out .. see how it goes. If all turns out well, then great! Go with whatever comes of your college career. If after attending college for a bit, you decide that the desire you have to join the military outweighs whatever else may be going on in your life at the time, then you can join the military ...even after or while attending college.

    The Navy will give you the means to go through college. But being just out of high school, you will have a lot of options open to you at this time.

    Gosh I wish I knew what to tell you. You kind of have to make your own direction.

    The reserves may be a good choice for you. You can go to college & be in the reserves at the same time. Then after two yrs of schooling, you can reassess your life, and make a decision based on where you are at that time.

    Best wishes to you )

  • I always look at individuals and their situation before I give an opinion. It is a must as a young person today to learn and accept responsibilities to improve and educate yourself first. If you can go to college on a scholarship, grant, or financial aid from your family, etc. this should be your number 1 objective.

    If you have to acquire an abundance of "student loan" funds this will be a burden for many, many years in your life after college as for as your credit report. This will be a case to carefully consider your options and may be an active military obligation that will assist with your college career.

    Navy Reserve programs will obligate one weekend a month and your active duty for training during spring/summer months, 2 weeks. A reserve weekend you are paid as if 4 days active duty, in other words, looking at active pay scale, your rating, i.e., E-1, E-2, etc., and number of years you have indicates one days pay. You multiply this by 4 and this will show your weekend pay. Before you join a reserve unit insure you do not have to drive far or you will be putting all your money for gas you earned. As a Navy reservist you are still obligated to attend "boot". In time, you will be eligible for the G.I. Bill while participating in the reserve program.

    God's Speed, stay positive, and follow your dreams.

  • in case you heavily choose to concentration on college, reservist. you are able to certainly attend college as energetic duty, yet to no longer the quantity of a reservist. there are a number of possibilities presented to advert contributors different than college, alongside with apprenticeships and certificates. You get an annual Tuitions guidance of $4000 at your disposal for approved courses and you will prepare for the advert GI bill, that's a lot greater desirable than the reserve GI bill. the only factor with advert is that your undertaking that would nicely be duty, Ops, and deployments will continuously grow to be your quantity a million precedence, no longer training.

  • Well, you may not have frat parties and the like, but Active duty military provides money, and much of the time, they try to make time accomodations for you to get educated. Nearly every enlisted member of any branch I know has at least 1 degree.

    Personally, if you're going to enlist, I'd say go all the way and go Active duty.

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