What does Paranoia mean?

From what I heard it's when you feel that something bad is gonna happen or someone is following, or at least that's what I understood...


  • Paranoia isn't a just worry that something bad is going to happen That's anxiety

    People who are paranoid become preoccupied by the idea they are being persecuted in some way eg the government are watching me.

    The difference between an exagarated worry and a paranoid delusion is that people who have paranoid delusions have built up a complex range of beliefs that provide evidence to them that the delusion is true , but to others this evidence would appear to be nonsencial

    Often people who are paranoid have an inflated sense of their own importance so for example my aunt had a delusion that the masons were following her secretly because they wished to steal her teaching methods infact she was a regular teacher doing the same as other teachers. Other delusions are more bizarre eg one fella I worked with believed that people might steal his **** to make nuclear bombs and so would defecate in cups.he had invented a whole back story of a nuclear war

  • Paranoia is a Greek compound word! Paranoia = PARA + Noia (from NOUS and the suffix IA) PARA, denotes away from, aside of, etc. NOUS, is Mind Suffix IA converts and gives the word a special meaning Thus, PARANOIA is insanity, since paranoia is the condition away from logic!

  • Sofia: that's true, but not everything that's involved.

    One of the main effects of paranoia is to feel very

    inferior. A person with a very serious case of it, would

    feel as if everyone is completely against them.

    You can research it much more thoroughly on a web

    site such as Wikipedia.org.

  • Paranoia is a feeling of being watched, being pursued, being listened to on the phone, etc. It can be a symptom of anxiety or it can be a symptom of Schizophrenia. Paranoia could also be seen in people who use drugs like meth or cocaine or other stimulant drugs.

  • It's where your paranoid where like when someone looks at you you think there watching you or you look t someone and you think there evil so yes just about

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