How many times a day do you...?

tell someone you love them?

Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?


  • not often enough ...

    my 3 year old neice today - - hold on while I go tell my husband I love him


  • I tell my boyfriend I love him multiple times a day, 5 or 6 maybe.... and the last person I said I love you to was my mom.

  • I tell my kids I love them about 1234567898765434567 times a day.

  • I tell my wife probably ten times a day. She was the last person I said it to.

  • Like 100 times a day...Just said it to Andrew like 30 seconds ago♥

  • I've probably said it about 10 times today, the last person i said it was my dad.

  • I never really count, but at least once a day. Its usually like 3 or 4 though. It's not something that has to be expressed in words between us, its always a constant emotionally, we sense it in each other. And my fiance.

  • I tell my daughter I love you every single time she leaves my sight so today was three and will add one more when she goes to bed in a few minutes so four.

    You just never know when your time is up....

  • Sometimes once, sometimes more. Last person I said it to was a very special friend whose name begins with a D. :o)

  • 3..him

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