Why in Canada do sex offenders/pedophiles not get punished?

Why can you not see on the computer any sex offender register, but in the USA, you get a picture, description,age,weight,address, and map to where there house is to the nearest school. There full name is for everyone too see , but in Canada why are they so protected. The gov't sure isn't worried about protecting our kids, they could care less. If you want to change the laws, they won't even return your phone calls. No one in Canada wants to change the laws to protect our kids from flashers, pervets.,sex offenders, pedophiles. When they get caught, they have more rights, then there victims. And they love it. Maybe if more parents took it upon themselves to disipline these sicko's the world would be a better place, and the gov't could remain useless and lazy , as always. Everyone in gov't should be fired, and normal mom's and dad's should get the jobs, cause they could do a better job. All judges should hang these creeps,never let them out of jail, or hand them over to the parents


  • Is being sentenced to a prison term not punishment? The focus of the Canadian correctional system (federal, at least) leans more towards rehabilitation and giving offenders the necessary programming and treatment to become law-abiding citizens of the country.

    Posting photographs, names, and addresses on a website is not only a violation of Canadian privacy laws, but makes it difficult for a released offender to re-establish themselves and live a law-abiding life. Not posting this information also helps to prevent "vigilante" style actions from being taken against individuals.

  • They feel differently about privacy in Canada, then we do here in USA, not saying that is bad or good. Sex offender registry is a joke, it in no way makes your kids or anyone else safe, just a way for the state and cities lessen their civil liability. The biggest helper to sexual predator/pedophilies are parents, who at every turn, tell their kids that this person is okay because he is clean and nice looking, but that black guy is the one you look out for. I tell my kids everyone is a potential predator, so always be uncomfortable around men, better safe then sorry.

  • ...They're probably worried about vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and assasinating people.

    PS: We've risen above death by hanging, unlike the US

  • leave JUSTIN BIEBER on my own!!!!!! WHAT HAS SHE EVER finished TO YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Scientist Have shown that Napoleon and Hitler are the Anti-Christ 2/3 of the international. And Justin Bieber fills in th third slot.

  • Are you from Canada?

  • because canada is full of secular progressives...hopefully america can fight them off so they don't take over our country too!

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