My sister is very dumb....She has no common sense???

she is 11...and is very dumb and into fashion, doesn't snap out of it, is roudy and rude to her elder sisters, including me. you cant really teach someone common sense can you? what can i do to help her... she is also very annoying and doesn't read books me and everyone else have tried very hard, it is quite strange we all read and encourage her to read.


people who are saying im being judgemental and rude.....u R BLOODY WRONG!!

she annoys me, because she gets me trouble and all.... i dont mind her not reading, its for her own good is what im trying to say.....she got a level 3 in her SATS!


  • It’s hard being the baby of the family – especially when you’re no longer a “baby.”

    What she’s doing is resisting the natural process of growing up. She used to be coddled and indulged-in and waited on. Now that she’s 11 years old, she isn’t a “baby” any more and all the excuses she used to rely on – oh, she’s just the baby… oh, be nice to the baby… oh pretty princess baby… oh,oh oh whatever – don’t work anymore. Now, she’s an obnoxious-prepubescent “tween” who has to do homework, household chores, has crushes on boys who despise her because she’s spoiled and obnoxious and who wishes she was Hannah Montana - just like the rest of obnoxious, prepubescent “tweens” in the world.

    Pretty harsh reality check.

    At this point in her life she’s dangerous. She’ll tattle on you and get you in trouble. SO watch what you do around her. Be ready to prove that she is the one who broke the antique vase – not you. Don’t argue with her – just walk away from her tantrums. Whatever you do, don’t leave anything you want to remain private anywhere that could be construed as “out in plain sight” and even under the mattress is in plain sight.

    But eventually, with luck, she’ll grow out of it and by the time she’s out of college and such, you two might just become good friends. But until then – all you can do is love her – and cover your butt.

  • You may have to face the fact that she's in an immature stage, which will hopefully pass.You can't really berate someone for having no common sense, and you certainly can't teach it. It usually develops more with age, so, at 11, your sister may be a bit young to have enough of it at the moment! Also, it doesn't matter if someone is not smart, or into something that you aren't (fashion for example). You like things she doesn't (like books) You never know, she may feel annoyed that you don't take the time to have an interest in what she enjoys, so she wont do the same for you! Also reading books doesn't make you smart, and as family members all like different things, it isn't so strange that she doesn't like books. Just accept her character and interests for what they are. It doesn't matter if someone is clever or has similar interests as you, it just matters if they are happy and kind to other people. Your sister being rude does not however, follow this. Talk to her about this behaviour and explain why it upsets you. Hopefully she'll have enough common sense to change this!

    Good luck!


  • OMG!!! my little sister is the EXACT same way!!! i am the oldest of 3 sisters, and i always try to encourage my younger sister to read. however, my littlest sister (shes 9, but has a lot in common with your 11 year old sister) is very rude to me and my other sister. you really cant teach them common sense, but you can try to help her understand that what she is doing is wrong. so if shes rude, say something like "you know, if i was that rude to you i know you would go tell mom, so i dont think you should be that rude to me." they usually dont listen, but it may sink into her brain later. also, she will at least KNOW shes being rude, although she may not stop being rude. ya and with my family we all read except my youngest sister, who will read about 2 pages an hour if you just leave her. so about the reading...if she doesnt read thats her problem and her teacher in the fall can deal with that. she will be behind. its hard with these rowdy little sisters, but they will eventually learn. hope i helped :)

  • I have a similar problem with my younger sister. I approached her about the problem, and she said that she acts this way because she wants to be different from her family memebers. If I were you, I would try to get on my sisters good side and then become her good friend. Then, once you are friends, tell her about your worries, and hopefully she will listen. I tried this approach, but I hope you have more patience than me. My sister is 12 and I am 14 so I understand what it's like to have little sisters. Good Luck!

  • I bet when you were 11, people thought YOU were annoying, ‘dumb’, and were lacking in common sense. It's called being a kid.

    Regarding her failure to read.... Don't get me wrong, I think reading is a wonderful thing. I'm a huge reader. I'm also a published author. I love to see people read. The benefits are *numerous*. However, not everyone enjoys reading. The fact that a person may not read a tremendous amount is not any reflection of how smart they are. In fact, one of wisest people I ever knew in my life couldn’t read at all.

    Stop being so judgmental.

  • your critisizing an 11 year old because she doesnt read and is into fashion?

    that was me at that age...and im still very sensible

    shes doing nothing wrong..

    people may thing u were weird because u sat and read books.

    everyone is individual and u sould respect that

    she will grow and develop into her own person, just like u did.

    let her be:)

  • She is reacting to her sisters, and wants to be different. If you all act as she is doing now, then she will shift into something else (it might be worse though!)

  • Shes only 11, leave her alone and let her be her own person.

    Why don't you encourage her instead of telling her shes dumb.

  • Just let her make her own decisions thats all you can do

  • pin her down and squirt toothpaste into her eyes...I bet she won't be rude to anyone again...

    ...granted, she may not see again either but small price to pay...

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