How do I receive spam emails?

I want my email address to be spammed because I am testing something.... How would i get A LOT OF SPAM to my email in 1 day? Anyone have websites or know what I can do to get spam to me?


  • One good way is to search for Guest Books. Then you can register (and be fair to the operators of the guest books--say something nice to and about their organization), make comments, and leave your email address.

    I play the scam-the-scammers game a lot, and I will sometimes register in religious guest books because the scammers graze those for possible victims. For example, in January I made up another new email character and address just to bait scammers and posted them on just four sites in the guest books. In two days I had over 250 "hits" from many different kinds of scammers. There were a couple of legitimate contacts, too, but the scammers thrive on these sites. Since the first day in January I have had email from over 4,000 separate birds of prey, so to speak.

    Other kinds of spam will come readily just by signing up for as many email offers as you can. Search for all sorts of things and respond to them. Home business opportunities are good for spam. There are many good ones, but most seem to speak "Spamish." And they will, of course, sell their lists to others.

    Inquire about loans or almost any financial venue, and you will get spam. I wouldn't guarantee results as fast as you want, but you will get results.

    Porn sites will undoubtedly get you a barrage of spam, but it may not be what you want. I don't even use the stuff, but I get a lot of offers at some of my email addresses. Many times they use automatic addressing just on the chance their programs will hit on a working address, but if you respond to them, you will get spam.

    Good luck.............and be careful..................

  • How To Get Spam Emails

  • Email

  • I usually go to store websites or article websites and enter my email address into those offers and they spam the hell out of you. Within 3 days my Hotmail account had over 1,000 emails and my brother's email has about 5,000.

  • Tommybra541@gmail

  • EMAIL me about loans:

  • looking for mail


  • go to a porn site. your inbox will fill in no time

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