Do you think vegetarianism is a choice or no?

I know it sounds weird but just hear me out. I am a vegetarian. I HATE being a vegetarian. I can never go anywhere without causing problems. But ever since I was a baby I couldn't stand the taste or even the smell of meat. Even thought both my parents are meat eaters. If I eat any kind of meat I throw up. Do I care about the animals? Nope, and yes I am fully aware of the food chain I know eating meat is what humans are suppose to do. I have met people like me who feel the exact same way. So I came up with a theory that maybe it was natural selection for me to be vegetarian to balance the amount of animals and humans.

So what do you think?


  • Being vegetarian can be a choice - Or it can also be for medical reasons. You just need to take your pick. If the only reason you are vegetarian is because the taste sickens you, then you chose to stay the way you are based on your choices.

    I am Vegan and despise the taste of full cream soy milk. It makes me want to barf. So therefor I "chose" not to drink it.

    Even being vegan as I am - Humans are naturally omnivorous in nature. We make the choice from there to decide whether we do or do not eat something. For whatever reason that is.

  • What do I think?

    1. I think it's sad you don't care about the animals.

    2. I think if going to restaurants or friends houses and eating vegetarian causes you problems, then you're not handling being a vegetarian well or your friends are bullying you.

    3. Meat eating is not what humans are "supposed" to do. Generally other primates are vegans, but supplement from time to time with small bit of meat such as termites, or eat that in an emergency. And they certainly don't drink the milk of another species.

    Interesting theory about why you can't stand the taste or smell of meat. Or maybe you were cruel to animals in a past life. Or maybe there's no reason at all.

  • I love animals, and chose to become a vegetarian because of them but you actually do have a point. Before I became a vegetarian, I hardly ever ate meat, because it never tasted good, or smelled good. And I'm much happier eating none of it. I have a friend that was raised a vegetarian, and she hates it. Everytime she tries to eat meat, she gets sick because her body isn't used to it and all...

  • While I'm a happy omnivore, I have a friend from India who chooses to vegetarian, not for religious reasons, but because of his revulsion to meat. For you and him, it's not a choice, but an essential part of how you were created. Get your protein, take your vitamins and live long and prosper.

  • I quit eating meat several years ago and I have never caused a problem anywhere I went.

    I think possibly you could use a little counseling.

  • Yes for most people its a choice based on intelligence and compassion.

  • Yap, it's definitely a conscious choice. But you may also think that your repulsion to meat goes to a deeper, psychological reason ...

  • I could say the SAME thing about onions! And i'm a vegetarian....

    i hate them and they make me want to throw up....

  • it is a choice. people like me who are concerned about the animals choose not to eat it.. it is my way of protesting against it. i used to love hamburgers and bacon.. but i gave it all up 4 years ago and ive never been happier! if you just dont like the taste of meat.. thats your choise to not like it. even if its for religion.. its their choice.

  • Whatever feel comfortable with. After all it's your choice not mine dude!

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