Why is homosexuality turned into a political issue?

My identity as gay is who I am essentially. It's important to me in my daily life, how I interact with others, how I perceive the world. My political identity means nothing to me in my daily life, nada, zip, nilch! At the end of the day, all I want is a place to live, to have a job, groceries on my table, and to spend time with my dog and my significant other. But everyone seems to think my identity is political or offensive. People immediately assume I'm something I'm not. I just don't understand.


Don't lie to me and say being heterosexual is not important to who you are! The first things asked about a person is if they're in a relationship! It's one of the first things you mention when you meet someone!


  • "Don't lie to me and say being heterosexual is not important to who you are! The first things asked about a person is if they're in a relationship!"

    I almost never do that, because I don't really care about another person's significant other, until I get to know them first. Sure it might come up and then I do become interested, but I seldom go out of my way to ask, until I know more about the person as individual.


    It depends on whether you want legal status for establishing a potentially lifelong commitment to your significant other. The same status that heterosexual couples get for exactly the same thing, that they call marriage.

    You might want such a status, because it enables you to have status as part of your significant other's family, when it comes to hospital visitation rights and child adoption rights. Heck, even if your significant other has a biological child (perhaps by artificial insemination and a hired surrogate mother, or perhaps from a past accidental heterosexual relationship), you will want status as a parent of this child.

    I for one, support the ability of homosexuals to obtain these rights. Some have proposed calling it something other than a marriage in the law, but that sounds like a repeat of "separate but equal" policies of racial segregation. It becomes a loophole for unequal treatment, just like it did in past history.

    The other option, is, to just get the government out of marriage. Or to make every marriage gay or straight be called something other than marriage in the law. After all, "civil union" is what all marriages are, unions of two individuals for purposes in civilization.

  • I think the main reason it became a political issue was because a group of gay couples wanted to be recognized as married couples so they could have the same tax breaks as straight married couples get. They also wanted to be able to get insurance through their jobs to cover their significant other, which had not been possible before some of the political changes. It takes politics to make equality on some levels.

  • the two the old and New testomony state that homosexuality is a sin. (i won't be able to undergo in innovations the genuine verse in the hot testomony however the tale of Lot in the OT famous the perspectives on that) i'm extremely specific there is something like, do no longer use foul language, according to probability. i be attentive to you're no longer meant to take the Lord's call in ineffective. yet there is this one passage in Corinthians. incredibly some early Christians who have been gentiles have been disillusioned approximately eating meat that were sacrificed to an idol. Paul defined that this wasn't quite a sin. yet he additionally tells the different Christians who understand this thought this actuality. If uncertain Christians see a Christian they look as much as doing something they sense love that could be a sin, then they are extra probably to do it, and in the event that they do it they'll sense to blame and be extra at risk of sin in an prolonged time. So extra spiritually mature Christians could avert doing those issues, even even with the undeniable fact that they technically are not sin, because of the fact it would desire to reason another Christian to sin on down the line. Paul is going directly to describe that that is why he financially money himself, in spite of the reality that it may be ideal for the church homes to help him, He does not desire to lead new Christians to a extra effective probability of sinning. an identical would be reported for cursing. and quite some different issues. additionally be attentive to that the renowned church has set quite some cultural obstacles. yet finding and determining issues basically on those obstacles is what the pharisees did. that may no longer what the Christian faith is quite approximately. no longer in any way shape or sort. quite on the middle, no longer on the obstacles set by technique of social standards like "The church says thou shalt no longer smoke" or w/e

  • The Constitution allows gay people to be equal to others and have equal rights to pursue happiness.

    Republicans are against what the Constitution says because they want to ban the gay marriage which was proven to be against the Constitution in California and in 7 more states.This is why it became political.

  • This is a stupid anwser but when little kid see that its fine to been homosexual they start to be gay and well if half the population is gay well there will only be half as much guys will reproduce with women and there will only be a small amout of people in the world idk just a wild stupid anwser

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