lim x-->0 [cos(mx) - cos(nx)] / x^2?

lim x-->0 [cos(mx) - cos(nx)] / x^2

m and n are constants.


  • lim [ cos(mx) - cos(nx) ] / (x^2)

    x -> 0

    This is of the form [ 1 - 1 / 0^2 ], or [0/0], so we may apply L'Hospital's rule. Remember that m and n are constants and should be treated as such.

    lim [ -sin(mx)(m) - (-sin(nx))(n) ] / (2x)

    x -> 0


    lim [ -m sin(mx) + n sin(nx) ] / (2x)

    x -> 0

    This is of the from [0 + 0 / 0], or [0/0], so we may apply L'Hospital's rule once again.

    lim [ -m (cos(mx))(m) + n cos(nx)(n) ] / (2)

    x -> 0

    Simplifying again,

    lim [ -m^2 cos(mx) + n^2 cos(nx) ] / 2

    x -> 0

    Now we can safely plug in x = 0 to evaluate the limit.

    [ -m^2 cos(0) + n^2 cos(0) ] / 2

    [-m^2 + n^2 ] / 2

    Final answer is

    (1/2)(n^2 - m^2)

  • = lim [ (-msinmx + nsinnx ) / (2x) ]

    = lim [ (-m^2 cosmx +n^2 cosnx ) / 2 ]

    = (n^2-m^2)/2

    [ some purists might not like the double use of l'hopital but if f''/g'' converges, f'/g' converges to same limit .. without doing a normal proof that should be sufficient for f/g to converge to same limit ]

    but you could just have said

    cos mx = 1 - (mx)^2/2 + O(x^4)

    so cosmx - cos nx = (n^2-m^2) x^2/2 + O(x^4)

    from which the same limit is obvious

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